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40th Finale

University puts on a good show for the start of O Week, and the mark the end of 40th year in Waikato with a big concert in the Ground. The weather is great, and the turn out is pretty good.
The line-up for the day include Adeaze, Dimmer, Zed, Golden Horse, Kendra Johnson, Wai-Taiko drummers, and many more. The best act goes to Zed. All the bands stay and sign for their fans. Gold coin donation goes to CanTeen.
The food and wine festival is also on, so there's plenty of food and alcohol around the ground. If you feel too hot, then you can walk around the university ground then come back for your favourite band. The parking situation is not too bad.
The finale goes out with a bang. The firework is spectacular. I reckon the university should put on more concerts in the future so the students can enjoy the entertainment in a familiar environment.
These two days have been action packed. Yesterday went to CityLibrary and university library to return books. There are some shoppers in city, but not as many as before. Borrow two books from CityLibrary, and manage to lose yet another thing in university library.
Parents end up taking away the plastic, and that's fair enough. I think I should sponsor my own from now on. I should get one sometimes next month. This kind of thing bounds to happen.
Found three more books about atmospheric ozone in university library and entered them into EndNote file. It's growing by the minute. Hopefully will be able to print some more articles out today as well.
So many students! It's really hard to find a parking space. Better get back to work now.

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