我的快樂 會回來的


Graduation and work

The interview in AgResearch went well, and I signed the contract for work on 15 October, 2006. After seven months of waiting, brainstorming, writing and re-writing CVs, I finally got it right. I also went to my Master of Science graduation yesterday. These past two weeks had been very hectic, and worth blogging. I will start working on 24 October, 2006, after the long Labour Weekend.
The graduation started with Powhiri, the Maori traditional welcome. We were also honoured with the presence of Sir Egmond Hillary. He was awarded with the Honarary Doctorate for his work in setting up the Hillary Fund for sports people and building school and improving the lives of citizens of Nepal, especially in the Himalayan region. I was honoured to receive my Master on the same stage in the same year in Waikato University. The effort that I put into the research and writing the thesis finally came to fruition and I was very happy. I am still very pleased!
With the propect of starting work next Tuesday, I am reading some materials related to human muscles, and I will search for more current papers from journals when I start working for AgResearch. I will need some time to understand what exactly is entailed in my work as well. It will be a whole new adventure. Goodbye, Alma Mater. Research, here I come.
I feel ready to start again, no matter what the challenges are. I am determined to get to the bottom of the problems. Right now, I am getting my brain back into gear and trying to refresh my memory on what I have learned.
Checklist for preparation for work: lunchbox has been acuqired, but working shoes haven't. It sounds funny but these two items seem to be the only ones lacking.