我的快樂 會回來的


On the edge

Mum and I went to watch Mission Impossible 3 together. It is a good movie, and I am glad that I went to watch it on the big screen. The storyline is unexpected, and I was on the edge of my seat when Tom Cruise slid down the top of a building and finally came to a holt at the edge. You can't help but draw a comparison between MI3 and Da Vinci Code, and I reckon MI3 is better.
We took the grey car for a warrant of fitness check, then spent the rest of the day walking and window shopping in city. We bought four different coloured face clothes and a tiny skirt with Disney characters printed at the front for my newly acquired bear. The bear is knitted by wool, and now it is even more cuddly. My head was hurting last night and I was sneezing. Fortunately after wearing more sensible clothes and wooly hat for one evening, I am back to my healthy self.
I trimmed the grass at the edge of our garden today, and dealt with cherry leaves at the front of the yard. The weather is cold and crisp today, but at least it is not raining.
There are still heaps of things out there for me to do. I will get on with the cleaning and trimming grass tomorrow. Just wish the weather will hold.


As brave as Indiana Jones

You have to be as brave as Indiana Jones to be in this room: it is freezing! I know all you people out there who lives in a colder climate will complain to me that I am exagerating the situation, but we do not have a central heating system installed in houses here in New Zealand. Most homes only have one heating source in one room, and people who stays in other rooms, sorry, you have to wear bulky jerseys and thick socks to keep warm.
This winter we are better prepared. I now have a nice and warm electrical blanket under my duvet, and three more layers on top of me if I am sleeping (one sheet, one wool blanket, and one wool duvet).
The construction of houses in our general area is still going on. The various machines are making a racket as I type. Don't know when they will stop. I receive another letter from the realtors today!
The junior doctor may go on strike for five days sometime in the near future. Just hope that I don't get the flu in due course. I am getting used to the cold now.
The episode of "Bones" was particularly interesting last night. There seems to be some on-screen romance going on there and a very sentimental story line. I will keep on watching, I guess that's how the TV shows hook you on these days.