我的快樂 會回來的


There's light at the end of the tunnel

I updated my CV and wrote a coverlettter to a job in LIC here in Hamilton. There are some opportunities in this town, but it will be better if I can apply for more positions. That means that I may have to go to Auckland, but I can't really control that. I have to find some referee today and for obvious reason I can't put anyone in this company down. This is a big disadvantage to me because I have only worked here and I haven't worked anywhere else. I don't really know how I am going to pull this off.
Richard was trying to learn Chinese and found an exam that test your ability in Chinese. The test paper is entirely in Chinese so he can't understand it yet, and it is in simplified Chinese. I am not sure whether Taiwan has a test like this or not, but I can't think why we don't.
It's Outrageous Friday today and I have put on my leather skirt for the pub crawl. I am hoping for a good night out, nice and relaxing.


At the bottom of the valley

The girls on the radio in the song were having more fun than me, which made me grimace in the car on the way to work. "Scream" is a very suggestive songs that have girls huffing and puffing in an erotic way. I was stuck in traffic, crawling slowly to work and these girls are having lots of fun. It's not fair.
I was there in the meeting, but felt like that no one was talking to me. I don't know why I am there anymore. The future is not about me, it's about them. I guess in a way it's good. I am forced to do something different, get out of my comfort zone and try something new. I've been thinking that maybe I will start my nomadic life, working odd jobs across several countries and see the world a bit. Maybe I will just stay home and do nothing? Go back to fly kites at home? What about Richard? I am having difficulty thinking about the future because it is very bleak. The only thing that's good is the relationship with him. It's bright and warm and makes me feel fuzzy. I am so afraid that I might lose it.
I am sick at the moment, but not sick enough to go home. Experiment is going slowly, hopefully I will get good results. They are the things that I can rely on. Yes, I have dreams but they are just that, dreams.
On a lighter note, dad taught me how to change oil in the car last night. He's going to use the vacuum cleaner to clean the air filter carefully later.


Alan's 60th birthday

Maybe it's because John left, maybe I was just in my pout mood when I got off work on Friday. I felt really tired and hungry and didn't want to talk to Richard on the way to Cambridge. We had KFC and my mood got much better. My life is ruled by food...it's not something that I am proud of.
The drive to Kinloch was very pleasant. We past a dam and an exotic forest. The road was almost empty. Ross and Bronwyn just got there before we did. We were assigned the double bed down stair with a very see through window. Natalie and Evert would sleep on this bed on Saturday and we had to sleep in the lounge as they are older. Richard felt that he's a sibling, and I was just a bit worried about his asthma attack if he sleeps on the ground.
Kinloch is a small town with holiday homes everywhere and people swimming on the beach or on a boat of their own. We walked down the beach and sat on the shore to enjoy the tranquil setting for a while. This is the life.
Stacey, Dan, Richard, and I went on the Honeysuckle with Captain Alan the next day. Our fishing lines were moving for three times but we didn't catch anything in the first run, Dan caught a big trout in the afternoon. I got the chance to steer the boat for some time, although I wasn't an export at the task. One day I will get a boat, too.
Aunt Carol arrived and told us that she didn't know which house we were staying in because she didn't get the e-mail! Oops.
I sent Alan a Tablerone and a bottle of wine, Richard gave his dad the Managh name/crest description, and Natalie made a cake for the birthday party. Aunt Carol gave her older brother an interesting book about ancient New Zealand. We had great food and I got really tired after the champagne.
Sam, Richard and I went to the beach together. We built sand castles and digged holes. It was quite warm.
I had a lot of fun in Kinloch. Happy Birthday, Alan.