我的快樂 會回來的


Blog for things that had happened

Asked X out, but he said he has too much on his plate so can't go out with me. Want to talk to me. What's there to talk about? I am just feeling real sad at the moment. This is the impossible female emotion that I hate to have. I don't need it, but am feeling that anyway.
But it's good that he had replied so at least I know what he wants. Some guys are not good at all; they don't even reply and are arrogant. Anyway, maybe more patience is needed. I keep telling myself if this is real love then I can wait for this guy.
Or is it really not worth it like he said? Well, relathionship is like this, don't ask other people about it because they probably won't be able to give you good advices anyway. The advices that they give you are definitely from their mind and I am sorry to say: they do have their own agenda. So I won't even tell my mum because she has her agenda. I am not going to discuss this with my mum because she may say something that will stop my feeling for this guy, which I don't want to do.

Work is boring, I am trying to write up my research proposal. But one thing did come up that's very exciting: one of the farmer who is the chairman of the mastitis control committee said that he is going to put in ozone therapy for cows outside of his cowshed. So he can use this when the cows have been milked. Interesting! Very excited at the moment about this because own research is useful and will make a lot of people happy. I am also going to sign a contract with the company so can get some money. Can spend some money to buy myself a cello case. Christmas shopping! Tick.

Sister is doing the last exam today, hope it goes well. Called dad about how to read/understand Russian research paper today. He said I can ask uncle because he knows how to read and write Russian so he can make sense of it. However, he is a very busy man and dad does not think it's that important. Alright, I am not important???!!! Ah. Never mind. Uncle has his own job to worry about, right?

Hahahaha, I think I should ask Eve not dad. She is afterall, my dear cousin and knows more about whether uncle is busy or not at work. But in the end, is the paper really that important and will I really use it in the proposal? I guess it depends on what's in the paper.

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