我的快樂 會回來的


Love is this

My friends are getting married, or have been married for a while. Richard told me that I wrote the articles below about love and attraction long time ago, and he learned about me.
What is love? I think I've described it using my limited words. I am so glad that I've found it, and I will take care of it carefully like my favourite flower. I will water it and enjoy the magnificent colour of the flower. When winter comes, I will not forget to put it into the greenhouse. I will wait for it to grow in spring, give it fertilizer, and watch it grow everyday.
I dream of a day when I will wake up with Richard, and we are sleeping on the same bed. We will have breakfast together, talking about what we are going to do today, and watching news before we leave the house. We may have kids, need to pack lunchboxes, and have a dog and a cat. I will be doing something that I love to do, for example, work in my own lab or for the government, or working on my own craft projects. I wish that we will have a spacious house with a nice view, close to the sea. We can build sand castle on the beach, swim in the ocean and have picnics there. I want to plant roses, chrysanthemum, daisies, fuchsia, dahlia, and other flowers in my garden. I want to grow orange, grapefruit, feijoi, plum, apple, lemon, pear, strawberry, gooseberry, boysenberry, and blueberry in my garden. I want to plant a herb garden so I can use herbs to cook food.
Everyday we will cook dinner that smells nice and taste delicious after we come home from work. We will enjoy the meal in the dining room, and we can play online games together, or have parties with our friends. We can read books and discuss what we want to do in the future. Our life will be filled with happiness and I don't want to spend a minute apart from Richard.
In our spare time, we can play the piano and cello, sing and enjoy the music together. We can ride Richard's motorcycle down the country road and take in the scenery.
Love is about sacrifices, too. I will give up my free time for my children so I can read to them, play with them, bathe them, and kiss them goodnight. Why do I want to do that? It's because I love them, and I enjoy my childhood. I want to give them happiness, care, and a loving home. I want to be there for them when they are cold, hot, and sick. I want to see them crawling up the stairs and turning the corner and disappear. I want to worry about them when they go to school for the first time, and I want to see them learn about life. When they are confused and young, I want to listen to them and still be cool, not someone who is an adult and tell them not to do things just because I say so. I want to be at their graduations, weddings, and I want them to be a person who they want to be, and do what they want to do with their life.
One day, I will have white hair and won't be able to see much with my failing eyes. I won't be able to walk fast anymore. I wish Richard is still with me, we will sit by the fire. I will remember the day when we met. We danced together to Sweet Home Alabama, and I know then from the deepest of my heart, this is the man who I want to spend my life with.

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