我的快樂 會回來的


Car trouble

My little gray car is out of action today because the garage is replacing its suspension, and I don't know what they will do to fix the signal light. Dad's Lucida Estima has trouble starting this morning so we took the other gray Toyota Corona to work. Fuzzy and I live so far away from work that we have to be dropped off or drive otherwise we won't reach our destination on time. It's not energy efficient to drive everyday, but that's the price you have to pay if you live far away from work.
Richard picked me up on his motorbike yesterday and it was drizzling. Ah, I felt so good because the rain had finally come to Hamilton, but it was still very stuffy and warm in the afternoon. I thought the rain will make the atmosphere better, but that's not to be. I am glad that I work in an air conditioned lab.
My experiment went fine, but the yield was low so I have to repeat the procedure today. Are we having a meeting? I have no idea, and noone is at work yet so I can't ask anybody.
People are coming back from their Christmas and New Year holiday gradually, some are coming back at the end of this week, and some are coming back next week, and some lucky ones are coming back in February! I think you better enjoy the sun while it last, and take as much holiday as you can because life is for living, not for working.
I sincerely hope that we will be able to sort out our car soon because I miss driving my own car. You have the freedom to go places when you want to, and sometimes you can't do that when you don't have a car. You can't go to the bank without asking other people to take you. You can't do grocery shopping. You can't get to work.
I better start my experiment and finish early today. There's endless possibilities now that the procedure worked. I am very happy.

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