我的快樂 會回來的


Dumplin party

I went to White Angel's for a dumplin party last night. White Angel had completed her exams for the year. I took Fuzzy with me. We made dumplins together, each dumplin with its own style and Mrs. White Angel boiled them.
We played Eye Toy on Play Station. Air Guitar was a game where you imitate the game and the camera will detect your motion. I played "Secret Agent". You had to stay as still as possible and to catch some objects such as rope to aid your escape from a prison. There was also a Boxing match: Knockout.
We talked about what we are going to do in the summer. They would all be working on their various summer placements/jobs. Apart from saving money, they would obtain plenty of work experiences.
Today is Fuzzy's birthday. Happy Birthday, Fuzzy! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Fuzzy......Happy birthday to you!

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