我的快樂 會回來的


Failed experiment means more work

I can't believe it! Apart from the control plates, all my experimental plates failed, except a few of them. I will have to repeat them next week. This means that I will spend October doing the catch-up experiments. >_< I don't want to do it. \_/ Well, I think I will have to do it.
Spend the rest of the afternoon in town finding some novels to read, trying to get my emotion up from the bottom of the pit. I feel much better after some window shopping.
Mum and I shopped in supermarket for some food and fill up the petrol tank. Oil is still $1.519 per litre. Whew...hopefully it will become cheaper, but you never know. Just don't get any dearer.
We have a Sara Lee strawberry cheesecake (frozen) and coffee. It is very delicious. I had one in my friend's house for her baby shower so bought one from Pak'n Safe.
Fuzzy is still in the hospital. I hope she will get better soon. We will know tomorrow.
The weather is fine again. A little bit hot in the afternoon. I should stop borrowing books now because can not read them all before due date. This engineer trilogy is nice, but I will probably have to renew it somehow.
Happy Birthday to Cousin Y.

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