我的快樂 會回來的


That song reminds me of you

Fairy Tale is a great song by a Chinese singer. It reminds me of you. I was trying to fill up the petrol tank when a Chinese guy come up and opens his car door and the song streams out. I miss you so much!
Saturday is relatively uneventful comparing to previous weeks. The whole family leave the wet and miserable home for an afternoon walk in Taitua Arborium. It is a great place with a nice forest and beautiful landscape. Too bad that the maple leaves have already fallen, otherwise I am sure that we will be able to see the red and gold leaves decorating the green grass. There is a circle of rock on the ground that looks conspicuously like the meeting place of witches and wizards. In the middle of the pine forest, there is a circle of wooden chairs that resemble the scene in The Fellowship of the Ring in LOTR. Excercise your imagination, maybe you will see a hobbit or two coming and going into the forest running for their life there. It is just breath taking.
Fuzzy is sick after that so we can't go out on Sunday. Wants to watch The Sisterhood of Travelling pants but dad forbids us to go. So bored so texted M while he is sleeping. Miss him a lot, maybe will text him later today? I don't know what he is doing but had a bad dream that he wrote that he likes someone else. >_< That's what I am afraid of, but I can't very well ask him who he likes because I am afraid to go there. What if the answer is yes that he likes someone else? Will I be strong enough to take that answer and still live like before? No. I don't think I am that strong so I don't really want to ask him that question. But I hate not knowing.
Watched Signs. Funny movie. Very different to War of the Worlds.

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