我的快樂 會回來的



The general election date has been announced by the honorable Helen Clark. The big date is on 17 September, about two months away from today. The past two months have been filled with political wrestling anyway. Don Brash's tax policy is controversial and Helen Clark has spoken that it will mean high spending and is not realistic to the current situation. I think tax cut is unlikely and it is merely an election ploy to get more votes. Don Brash is lying, and it will take a lot of thinking and jungling from Helen Clark to deliver an even better tax policy. This race will again be a two parties race, but I do hope that Winston Peters is not the "King maker" again.
Dad doesn't like the MMP because it means that the people who you do not like may still get into parliament, but that's the way it is. You have two votes, one vote for the party, one vote for the members of parliament. That means you can vote for National Party, but vote for a Labour candidate, or vice versa. There is still List MPs, people who may not get enough votes who will still be voted into the parliament, depending on the percentage of party votes they get.
It will be a big circus to watch, I am sure. Hopefully some good people will come out and become candidates.
The experiment is going okay considering the results are what I am expecting. I will be demonstrating on Wednesday and Friday now, but the professor hasn't contacted the demonstrators yet. Trust him to organise anything. I bet he won't be organised enough until maybe Friday. Anyway, I just need the answer booklet and everything should be sweet.
Will go to the hairdresser this afternoon and that should surprise mum. It is her birthday today. She will go to the supermarket and get a icecream cake with Fuzzy. Horray! I am so happy. It is so yummy.
Watched Desperate Housewives. Quite funny.

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