我的快樂 會回來的


Summer talks happened so fast

The four of us always talk in the evening now. We talk about what happened in the day time, and laugh together.
Mum and dad went to Mr. Wong and Mr. Ma's houses. Dad enjoyed an afternoon of talkathon with Mr. Ma's son, whose name they still don't know after three hours of intensive discussion about how to make a bomb. That's the favourite topic of my dad. I am so bored with it. Guys love making bombs as if it is the ultimate toy. He also said that the guy asked all the different questions to other people. Well, because you have told the story so many times, I don't want to know how to make rods and how to assemble things together then blow many people up. Technically, the whole bomb thing is a big achievement, but the thing is that now it can kill many more and is not so "dirty" like the Little Boy they sent to Hiroshima. Great news to the environment but bad news to the people who live on the land that receives the bomb. It's all good to talk about it. And why not? We know how to make the bomb. You can't do anything about it, really. There's no harm in knowing, but there's harm in doing like Mr. Bush.
I know, I know. I am so typical. I am in the bandwagon of Bush bashing. I will try to avoid that because Bush hasn't done anything wrong. For the benefit of American people, he has done very well. He has secured a new oil source in the Middle East, re-ordered the situation there, and made life a living hell for the citizens of Iraq. He has also made the life of American people more entertaining by watching news of their fellow countrymen die, and enjoy a lower petrol price. Why not? Bush is great so why should anyone do Bush bashing? Also, the economy is on the rise, everybody is making money. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston are divorced so we can all have a go on trying to be Brad boy's girlfriend. The world is a better place now. More than ever. We should be contend about our life and be happy.
Apart from talking about bombs, not many things happened. They found out Mrs. Ma was a nurse and came from Hunan province. Her husband is a Hui and came from Shin-chung. They are both very nice people. I love talking to her. She is very cool and pretty. She has the "Dove" face.
They then went to Mr. Wong's house. Dad knew Mr. Wong's father, and we know Mr. Wong's grandson. Very interesting. Their son was at home on the computer, but he wasn't really typing or doing anything, just listening to my parents and his mum talking to one another. He is like that, always very quiet then say something extraordinary. Very strange. Maybe it's because he is very smart?
Anyway, Mr. Phong called three times and started to make conversation with me. He thought he talked to my sister for three times. Yes, that must be it. He has a very young voice. To my understanding, he must be around the same age as dad.
Doctor called and said that she has time next Thursday. I talked too much on the phone, and asked what she did in Dunedin. She will take her boyfriend to watch the movie with us. I have texted Purple Skirt about this. She came home late so now I will text her after 10 a.m.
My mobile phone has no battery now, so it will be recharged for a while. In the meantime, I should go and fix this gas line problem so I can grow some more bugs up today. Or maybe I will be naughty and just grow the bugs without the gas anyway.
I am afraid of gas fires.
Feeling very bad about writing about Bush, maybe tomorrow FBI will knock on own's door and label us "BAD" on the front door. I wish it will not come to that. Haha.
I worry too much.
Hope my experiment will go better today because there was no kill for the disc method. So depressing. It seems so grim that I don't think ozone will actually kill bacteria on cow's teats. Who knows, maybe it will. I haven't done the experiment so I can't say for sure. Will have to collate all the data for my university supervisor to look over. Maybe I will see him tomorrow or Monday.

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