我的快樂 會回來的


You only have to ask

Christmas conference, party, get-together: you name it, I believe that I've gone to the best ever.

I think that if the party your organisation throws reflects on the true feeling of the workers and bosses. Bosses are, afterall, humans, as well as the person who cracks the whip. If you are a successful organisation, then your workers will be more than happy to attend your function, and act accordingly! That's exactly what happened in Dexcel. My, I am so glad that I chose to work here instead of the university. So alive!

Highlights include "Days of our lives". I think these are very well done, and can be more realistic than perception. Although people have "fun" when making these clips, it also contain subtle messages about how some jobs are viewed as not so hard and can involve quite a lot of brain/muscle work. Amazing. I have never seen an organisation that is so keen to listen to one another. That's probably the only difference between Western and Eastern organisations.

I thoroughly enjoyed the dance. Believed that it had rekindled some kind of girly dream about high school dances. Very dangerous. Trying to put out fires about a boy. Very hard. Already finish the party so should keep head down to work, but this boy is bloody persistent, telling me that he wants to talk with me instead of going to a hot, steamy, spring-flowing, blondes-filling town called Rotorua. >_< That's weird. O.K. Think too much and must be brain-frizzed again. Hahahahahaha. Why... he is a nice guy. Why can't I just stand afar and watch the nice looking man? That's not a crime.

You only have to ask. Yes. I am sittig by myself and not dancing. You only have to ask me to dance, don't be shy.

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