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Charlie's Chocolate Factory

The weather is perfect. The work is done. I leave work early to catch the movie Charlie's Chocolate Factory, not knowing that I have left something undone yesterday.
This movie is completely different to the last one. It is infinitisimally better. Willy Wonka is weirder (yes, Johnny Depp is really weird, with his difficult of speaking of the word "parents"). There is actually a theme in this film: family. Charlie doesn't want to leave his family to work as the owner of the factory. He inspired Willy Wonka to go back to his roots and see his dentist father. They reconcile and apparently his father is proud of his son, who make the world's most tasty candy and chocolate throughout the years. His tooth are still in perfectly good health without flossing!
The humour in the movie (Willy Wonka travelling the world to find the greatest flavours, but it turned out he was actually in a flag museum/travelling to find Oompa Loompas/the melting chocolate palace in India). Mum said that the most important theme in this movie is about the importance of family. Of being together. No matter what happens, your family will take care of you. No matter how awful the children are, their parents went after them to retrieve them from the horrible places they went to. They took the children back no matter what happened. Charlie wants to stay with his family even though they are poor, and is not selfish. He is willing to share that piece of chocolate with his family. Willy Wonka, inspite of himself, went back to see his father, who forbode him to eat any chocolate when he was young. Not going back to his home means that he is afraid that he will grow old without a heir, with no one to be with him. He will not be able to discover that his father loves him and collects all the newspaper cuttings about his little boy who is a great inventor in food technology, very mad yet has that passion about making other people happy.

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