我的快樂 會回來的


Boss is back

My boss is back from England. I have to work really hard. I will try to work really hard. No, I can't because I have done all I can right now for the results so I will move on to writing and re-writing my introduction. It is still in the paper gurgling stage, not paraphrased or made sensible yet. I will have to work on that for the rest of the day.
Waiting for M to text me but I think he will be too hung over to do anything. It's holiday for him! Wow. So happy. Maybe he will be able to spend some time with me. ^_^
Fuzzy is sitting in the exam room right now doing her last exam. Good luck to you, Fuzzy, and then we can have our life back. No more quiet night without television and talking. We can do whatever we want now. Cool.
Tomorrow is the hot pot gathering at P's place. Today I will have to practice cello but am thinking about getting excused so can spend some time with M, but may just go with him to buy computer hard drive in the afternoon after finishing work and listening to seminar? I don't know. I don't know anything about buying the computer hard drive, but I know how much they cost. Hehe, that's important, too.
Hope everything goes down well. Was talking to Fuzzy about M last night. She thinks he is too young for me, but as we grow older, it doesn't matter anymore. For example, if I was 10, he was 5. That sounds weird. If I was 20, he was 15. That's illegal. Then when I turn 25, he will be 20. Then when I turn 30, he will be 25. Yes. As you grow older you can do more things, and 30 and 25 just don't sound too bad anymore. I am still waiting for his text. Patiently.

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