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Queen's birthday

I agree with fuzzy about In Good Company. This movie is quite realistic. It is a story about the lives of two men. Sometimes their lives are very different, but sometimes their lives are very similar. It is a movie that you can watch then put into your pocket. It is small and light-hearted. It is a small jewel.
Queen's Birthday weekend has passed without too much drama. Dad and mum have done some gardening, and we went to Warehouse to look at some clothes for dad. It didn't fit. Dad bought a new lock for Mr.L's house.
I walked to Hamilton Gardens by myself yesterday. The weather was extremely fine. Winter has settled down in Hamilton so it was inevitable that the gardens were affected. However, camillia are still blooming.
"Category 6:The Day of Destruction" was not such a good disaster movie. After The Day after Tomorrow, I don't think this movie any more alarming or scarier than Category 6. Dysfunctional family. Retiring weatherman. The only good part was done by Secretary of Energy. I admire her effort.
Kate and Leopold was perhaps the other highlight of the weekend. It didn't rain! This morning the ice on car windows didn't help, but I am surviving in this cold weather. It is getting colder! It's not too bad.

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