我的快樂 會回來的


Do I really know what I am doing?

I don't know what I am doing. My life is filled with activities, but sometimes I feel that I am doing too much.
Watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy. It's a great film nearly as good as Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain. They are both full of imagination, imagery, and love. That's why I love both movies. They are not blockbuster movies with beautiful men and women parading their bodies. They are movies with deeper meaning and makes you think. What if the planet is blown up? What if your way of life has been taken away from you? What is the most important thing in life? How would you answer the ultimate question of life and everything?
It has been raining, that's probably why I am not feeling so happy. I wish that I can help, but I can't always do that. Sometimes, it takes time for things to fall into places and rushing things just don't work. I will have to wait and see. Just like Turn left turn right. You will meet the right guy at the right moment at the right spot. You can't force someone to like you, to truly treasure you as he has no one else in this world.
Radio talks about The Other Women in his world. Good guide for all the girls and boys out there.
1. His ex-girlfriend.
This is not just any ex-girlfriend. This is the one that got away. This is the one that he had the best time with, best sex with. This one keeps popping up and if he says that she is innocent, then think again.
2. His manager.
He works with her 8 hrs a day. He is still at work 8 o'clock in the evening. You've got to think why he would stay there for so long.
3. His mum.
"This taste nice, but it is never like mum's trifle."
He loves his mum and can't get over her. Never competes with his mum because you are never good enough, or are you? Of course you are better than her but if he doesn't know it, then you are screwed.
4. His sister.
"I don't like her. She is nasty."
Sorry, sister, if his sister doesn't like you then you are finished.
5. His friend's girlfriend.
She is always there, she is always available. What more do I need to say? She is dangerous with a capital D.

I have counted the bacteria plates today. Will have to meet with supervisors again to present results and talk about what to do these few weeks. Wish everything pans out.

Am trying to collect Anakin Skywalker's outfit for Star Wars. Seems to me that dressing up as him is the easiest. However, I am not going as Darth Vadar. That's a bit too much, also more expensive with the voice changer. I will have to make a light saber out of a drink bottle (paint it silver), a light bulb connected to battery, and some blue cellophane paper. The problem is that I need to make a long thin tube to the cellophane paper can be stuck on. Think about it later, but I think I will be able to make my own light saber. Haha. Doesn't need to pay any money if it is DIY.
I have my own blue cape, brown boots, dark gloves, khaki pants, and needs to find green top and leather armor. However, it shouldn't be too hard to dress up as Anakin. ^_^
May the force be with me for a while so I can sort everything out.

1 comment:

Jeanie Tseng said...

that movie was cool~~
If you go as princess Leia you only need headphones...