我的快樂 會回來的


Following others or walk by yourself

I suppose that reading other people's blog is like following their footsteps. Some people's life is utterly boring, but some people's life are so meaningful that you will weep for no reason what so ever. I think it's so much more than a dairy now. Reading Riverbend's dairy about Iraq is like reading a war novel, only that it is really happening right now around the other side of the world. People who live in the United States or in our little peaceful country, New Zealand, can never imagine how we will live without running water, electricity, computer, food, and a little bit of dignity. Isn't that basic human right to live with enough food, light, electricity, clean running water, and perhaps less bombing and more entertainment? That's something to think about. I am not talking about having a peaceful country, where you can leave your door open in the evening or your car window down because there is no theif hanging around your street. I am not talking about taking a bus and not worrying about someone who will gun you down in the corner shop. I am talking about happiness. I am talking about some basic things that you take for granted.
It's sad that people still have to live without many things, but it makes me feel that my life is very good. I had been compiling my results and trying to sort out the formula for working out the concentration of ozone. Now I am in university trying to set up my growth inhibition experiments that will start on Friday and go on until May. I have a drink bottle right in front of me, cap opened because I don't have to worry that it will disappear in the next instant because my sister is too thirsty. I can come to university without too much trouble. There's petrol in my car. My schoolmates are also typing furiously, not knowing that other people who are the same age as them are worrying about their next meal, and not learning in universities like they should do. Their home is broken. Their garden is in desperate need of water. Their house is smelly because the water supply has been cut. There is hardly any food in the cabinet. The television is off because there is no electricity. The pass time is reading, but where are the books? They are burned down because the other day they lost the library. It's great that River can still blog. Tell us about the life you lead. I will tell you mine.

I will probably slack off before mid-day, trying to search for more inhibitory assays, then make the reagent in the afternoon. I probably will not run any experiment as I have nearly enough data for now. What I have to do is check which experiments that I haven't done, and do them tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jeanie Tseng said...

be worried that when your drink bottle is open your sister will drink it dry in front of you. Because that has happened.