我的快樂 會回來的


Planting some spring flowers

I do have something happy to report though. I have planted some Dutch Iris and daffodils recently. It was hard work. My left leg was hurting afterwards, aching before I went to bed.
The story started when I took the car to get a new Warrant of Fitness. Husband was in bed, and I thought it was a good idea to get at least one thing ticked off from our to do list. I took out the car seat, cleaned up the mess that is nothing compared to how messy our house is, then drove to VTNZ. It was funny, I waited in line for half an hour, and when I got to the counter, I discovered that I didn't bring my Eftpos card. So I had to drive home, get the card, and jump into the car again and drive from one end of town to the other. An hour later, I was all set for the car to be tested and now I have some time to shop.
Palmers, a garden supply shop, is very close to the VTNZ I took the car to. I actually wanted to get some tree killer because I have a lot of privet to get rid of in my backyard. However, the shop only has Roundup and I already have a big bottle of it at home. I saw some bulbs on sale, then I noticed that they have sprouted. Fantastic, I think, because they are growing already, I should buy them and put them in the ground as soon as possible. The package says they should be planted in June. No matter, it's only start of July, one week in, there's only been one frost this year. Plenty of time for them to grow and sprout a bit more.
Mum took me to Warehouse to get garden soil, we also got some strawberries seedlings that need to be planted. It is impossible to keep the garden tidy with two kids, but they like strawberries, and we already have an impressive orange tree in the yard. I think it's perfect. I read the instruction on the package and put the bulbs in small biodegradable pots. Top them up with soil, and they are ready to go into the plastic container. The daffodils go in one, and the iris go into the other one. I took the strawberries out of their original home, loosen the roots, and put a generous amount of strawberry soil around them. Each pot has three strawberry seedlings.
I have to be careful and check whether snails and slugs are eating the new plants now, but since I am not planting any vegetables at the moment, it is easy. I am hoping that the rain these few days will keep the soil moist enough. I haven't put them inside the garage or the shed in spite of the cold. If they cannot survive winter then they cannot bear fruit or bloom. You can't expect to succeed 100% with this kind of venture.
The bulbs are what I need for my cottage garden. It is amusing, my track record isn't great when it comes to growing flowers, but I have some success growing trees. Our lemon tree is making lots of lemon right now. I moved it from its original spot into the sunnier position. Mum helped me put some ashes around our orange tree and it's doing quite well this year. I just prune the rose bush not that long ago. I only have one, and that's plenty.
I will leave the rest of the flower planting till later since it's freezing. Weeding will be my next job.

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