我的快樂 會回來的


Flights between countries

Richard and I have bought our air tickets from Rome to Athens and Athens to Vienna online: http://www.expedia.com He telephoned the helpline and the price increased a little, still a lot cheaper than the other airlines. We will have lunch on the flight from Rome to Athens, but from Athens to Vienna, we won't be able to eat so we have to pack some food for ourselves.
I have worked out the schedule with Richard, planning where to go everyday, and found that it's easier to book hotels online, http://www.hostelbookers.com offers good hostels, and http://www.eurocheapo.com, http://eurobookings.com and http://en.venere.com all offer good deals, too. I have written down these sites so I will be able to access them when I go to internet cafe or have the chance to use the internet over there.
I have also written down my address so I can write postcard home, and work address so I can send my workmates postcards. It will be so much fun! I am thinking about what kind of Christmas presents I can bring home for Fuzzy, mum and dad. I hope I will be able to find something that's not too expensive, yet represent some countries that I have visited.
The 10,000 steps challenge is going great, I have done about 18000 steps yesterday, and will accumulate more steps today. It's easy to walk in lunch time to Richard's company and get steps, and I also walk to Washup and I can go to the store this afternoon.
I should do more research on where Da Vinci's engineering drawings are kept. I wish that I can go see the real thing in Europe. That will be great.

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