我的快樂 會回來的


Engineering tour

I have found a list of motorcycle museums around the world: http://www.vft.org/vftmuseums.html, that's wonderful. Some of them are in Germany, some are in Austria. I think Richard will like these kind of museum immensely. There are also maritime museums: http://www.google.com/Top/Reference/Museums/Transportation/Maritime/Europe/, for my nautical adventure in Europe. I will try to find the ones that are close to the places where I am going and take tours close to these cities. It will be so much fun! I love aviation as well, biplanes, planes from the Second World War and the new planes of today are really interesting engineering feats as well. http://www.google.com/Top/Reference/Museums/Transportation/Aviation/Europe/ offers a list of these museums in Europe. Trains, cars, planes, boats, here I come! I think these boys' toys are just as much as girls' toys in my eyes. http://europeforvisitors.com/switzaustria/articles/swiss_transportation_museum.htm This museum in Lucern, Switzerland is just at the lakefront, and I believe we are going to pass through this place when we cross into Switzerland, hopefully we will have some time to visit.
Famous bridges are hard to build, and it depends on the structure of the bridge, the lay of the land, the span across the river or above railway tracks, and some bridges are old and stood against the test of time. The bridges saw the rise and fall of dynasties, wars, people growing up and dying, they are testments of history and things of beauty. http://www.cse.polyu.edu.hk/~ctbridge/links/europe.htm This plain website offers a list of bridges in Europe, which is subject oriented and leave the beauty of these bridges in the links it provide.
Tall buildings, and buildings that stand above water, and buildings that are built to lean towards its side are all interesting buildings. Palaces, castles, and chateau all holds memory of the old time, arts, guilded rooms. I am going to see some of these beauty that you can't see anywhere else in the world in Europe.
I better get a backup prescription for my glasses today so I will be able to see the marvel of Europe from next week.

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