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Red hot chilly Erik in grey cold winter day

I can't believe that I am still alive after five o'clock today. I am so tired! I need a holiday!
Erik called in sick first thing in the morning. Apparently, he didn't listen to me and went swimming yesterday. Ai told me that his eyes looked red, and his face was sunburnt! How can you get sunburnt in winter? Erik managed to do just that. OOooooohhhh.......It's not anybody else's fault that he's sick. She also gave me useful information such as the person who keeps texting him is not his girlfriend. Thanks a lot, Ai. I think we can be certain that Erik is still single, for how long, I don't know. I hope he likes me a little so my life is not entirely meaningless.
Dad was angry about me parking too close to the wall last night. He was overreacting. The car was still about 10 cm from the wall, and I couldn't even see any dent on the wall, either. I cried for 10 minutes, bawling my eyes out because he was very mean. I was also very sad because Erik would be leaving soon and he will just go back to Whangarei and forget about me. I am glad that I cried so got all that grief out of my system. I actually felt a lot better after crying and watched Mansfield Park. The movie was bland. I didn't like the story. I don't understand why Edmond fell in love with Fanny so quickly. There was no reason for him mentioned in the movie, and if you compare Mansfield Park to Pride and Prejudice, it is not very good.
I just hope that work will get easier and Erik will finally wake up and grow up.

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