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Birthday preparation

Goes to Pak'n Save to buy food and things for Thursday's party. Obtain Harry Potter candle, chips, and other ingredients essential for a birthday party. Agree to let friend's mum to buy the cake for this year because she doesn't know what else to give me. Yes, I agree it is easier for her just to buy the cake! Thank you, Mrs. T.
Purple skirt finally replied to my e-mail saying that she is coming, but her brother is unsure whether he will or will not come.
Meeting at work. It is not really about me so I leave in the middle of the meeting to carry out an experiment in Lye Farm.
Watch Charmed, Cold Case and Medium. The angel of death visits the three sisters because they have caused a delay in the grand design. Piper has to die to collect the souls. A demon has to kill all his living relatives in order to become a human. Paige nearly died, Phoebe exchanges her soul with the demon's in the end. Les, Phoebe's new boyfriend comes to see her and they are together now.
Matthew Adams joined a cult and is dead after a kidnap. Did the cult leader kill him? Or was it his father? Or was it someone else? Zero hour is when the members of the cult get rid of their fathers. Matt knows this is wrong so he confronts Allison. Allison poisoned him.
The medium thinks that she is pregnant. She shakes hands with a good Samaritan and discovers that he has killed many women. However, as the story unfolds, the whole thing will happen in the future because the car registration number is only at F right now, the number that the medium gets starts with Q, indicating the whole thing will happen in the future, seven to ten years from now. She warns the girl who is going to get killed, and the man who is the murderer.
Great drama, but the television is not very clear.

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