我的快樂 會回來的


Remenent of excitement from yesterday

Dad has came back! I am so happy about this. I have only carried out a short experiment in the morning, started around 8:00a.m., then finishes around 10:00 a.m. Before running off home, I taped the poster with long Velcro strips so it will not fall on the ground. This particular poster costs about $100 NZ dollars. Very expensive so we do not want it on the ground, even though this ground has carpet on it.

I tried to pack everything up before dad's arrival. Just about done it and he came back! Oh, no! Fuzzyslowmo and mum have already gone out of the door but I decided that I will be calm and keep shifting the boxes of things into my room. I was vacuuming last because needed to make sure that mum and sister have done their vacuuming. If I don't do that, then they will just slack off! Man, talking about slackers! Mum even wanted to have an afternoon nap. I believe that we have too much to do so we have worked all morning and afternoon to prepare our house for the master to arrive. Hahahahaha! Sounds so pathetic but it was true.

Anyway, my room looks so nice now that it is even better than a hotel suite. However, I still think that we can get rid of some boxes in sunroom. There are simply too many boxes in the sunroom, mostly other people's stuff. Tserng's stuff: some duvet and beddings, some books from them. I hope they will come back one day and take these items with them. I doubt that they will ever come back to live, though. Lovemonkey keeps writing to mum wanting her to join her gang. I don't know why. Mum simply ignore her.

I wish that dad will be happy here this time. He has joined the Sunshine society! Anyway, I better go before boss catches me not working.

Fuzzyslowmo is not sleeping very well these days. I hope she feels happier. I am so worried about her. Wish she will be better after seeing her doctor.

1 comment:

Jeanie Tseng said...

Yeah I'm still having sleeping problems. When I try to fall asleep i can't. When I give up I fall asleep.