我的快樂 會回來的


From Europe with love

Mad woman. Mad woman. Mad woman alert.

I am not supposed to stare so much at cute guys now, but I can't help it. He is so cute! He has green eyes and dark hair. He is so pretty. Please forgive me, God. Please forgive me for staring at the creature you created that's near perfection.

It's only natural that I will stare, I suppose. He is pretty, he is smart, and he has got a foreign accent. Ah, and he is friendly and young. Feel like that I have committed a crime now. I think I am just going to burn in hell. The hell with it, I say. Why can't I just look and stand innocently in a corner?

Today I have been analysing the results from yesterday. Good results, but since working solution ran out, my results were crap. I don't think I actually measured any ozone at all using Indigo solution yesterday. What?!? Oh, no. But the ORP is working so ozone is definitely going into solution. With the distraction of the handsome boy, I went off with him to Ruakura library because my supervisor was not there.

Anyway, drop back to Earth, there's a lot of data to analyse. Supervisor finally helped me, and it seems to me that my workmate also needed help. We have been rescued by the scientist, and now are trying to analyse the data that we got this week. Anyway, I better do the same thing for the previous data now.

This afternoon we will eat the group lunch together to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. Hopefully I will be able to see the big boss, who is retiring next year. Good luck to him. He is a good fellow.

I better get some work done before skiving off to lunch. ^_^

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