我的快樂 會回來的


Experimental log

I am not so sure how to use Word on this computer, so just use this webpage as my log today.

I have talked with my supervisor this morning and he said that I better try out the 0.1 mM Indigo reagent concentration. I will do that tomorrow morning. This should be easy enough, I just have to work out how much to add to the ozonized sample.

He was happy about the other results, so I think I will just repeat the experiments several times so can put these results into my masters thesis.

I will have to read the literature around Christmas so can build up the introduction in the thesis. However, I think I will have to find more papers to write a more comprehensive introduction.

Tomorrow afternoon will be the company BBQ, and on 23rd I will have to go to the Pub Crawl. So bloody busy!

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