我的快樂 會回來的


Proposal - Done Shopping - Done

Have an idea about what to send to Fuzzyslowmo for her Christmas: promise it will be a great present and will also be made by myself. However, I have all the component that I needed at home, so should be easy to make!

Went shopping with mum. Bought: Hush Puppy shoes, cream, 1 pair. Sussan: blue jacket that has zipper that can be pulled from the top and the bottom. Borrowed from Library: 4 books. One book about Oriental decoration, two books about Decoupage, and one book for gift wrapping.

Tic is getting engaged, so the shoes are for the engagement party. Tried to find my blue anklet whole afternoon, and found it. Now it is on my ankle!!!! Whew, thought lost it.

Mum and Fuzzyslowmo are making dinner and I am lazying off. Cool Saturday, and I am so glad that I have done my proposal. Just need to get Statistian, the weird old man, to sign my proposal and approve of what I am doing, then it's all done. YA! YA! Horray.

Bridget Jones is starting on the 18th (next week), cool, huh? Saw C.L. on the street, he is nice looking but am sure he has gf, so stop thinking about nice looking guy right now. Why doesn't his gf go out and shop with him? And he was weird, told me that he is going to watch NBA and it's startin'? What... completely irrelevant info to me.

Anyway, summer is going fast and furious. Saw Carla on the street today as well. Wish she is happy. She is with her friend and her friend's family.

Shoe saleswoman in Hush Puppy very friendly and can speak Chinese. Cool. Mum was trying to ask for price cut, but we probably wouldn't buy many shoes now. But you can never have enough shoes.

Thank you, K.L. for your present, but don't know what it is for. Is it for Christmas? But she is not answering her phone. What's the occasion? I am not getting any vibe or any communication with my friends right now. Where is Tic? Where is purple skirt? And where essentially, is K.L.?

Anyway, maybe they are just too busy for their life or maybe shopping, shopping like me! ^_^

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