我的快樂 會回來的


23 ozone machine is not back but finally getting rewarded for the hard work

It is amazing. I don't know why, but suddenly feel relieved because I am getting paid for my work! I have worked for the Company for two months, and have not been paid any money. I work pretty hard, and have not been slacking off at all. No holiday, only one day sick because of too much ozone. Naughty me (?)

Anyway, better get on to telling you my life story. Dear me. I have waited for the signing of the contract for so long that it's nearly killed my bank account. My bank account has always been set low because I pay my parents for my food and my room (fair enough because now am 23-years-old singleton?????? Hope am not singleton, a bit too young for being singleton, but a bit too old for student). I have not paid for about two months now! Money running out before Christmas, very difficult life indeed! Mum is chasing me in not so many words. Life has became suddenly hard because no money in bank account!!!!

So poor. Today the whole thing is resolved. Suddenly supervisor has found his head and gave me approval of the contract! Ya! Worth publishing on net because very happy, and am honest individual. Feel as if I am part of the team in university and company. Start of adulthood and the long years of earning bucks, doing jobs, etc. Becoming useful in the world! Not eating and buying clothes off my old folks! Not failing any subjects in university and go out drinking like dumb stupid girls! Cool, am finally a new person.

Feeling very happy and am even more willing to work. Tomorrow have big trial in the mastitis team and will help do small part of the job. Will also wait for the ozone generator to come but think it takes a few day to get it up and running. Hope everything turns out well.

Need to go to Ruakura Library to search some papers. However, should first do a general search so when get there will not waste a lot of time searching for papers in the library.

Nagging thoughts about should or should not send Christmas card to ex-boyfriend. I believe the definition of ex is that you don't send cards or presents to them, no matter which kind of friend. No obligation to them anymore, not like family members or close friends not-in-relationship-type.

I am strong and should not send him the card, but have bought one and probably will end up sending it to someone else. Should do that. Don't send it to him so will not give him any hope. He should get his own life and find true love.

Sister didn't want to wake up and work, a little bit too worried so called mum in the morning. Turned out to be false alarm. Hahahaha strangely nervous Egandopamine, why am I like that? Too stressed.

Had nervous break-down episode last night, very scared maybe will turn into child again. But a person is like that sometimes, I believe the way you deal with stress differs as you age and that is showing that you are finally a grown-up. I think I will grow up more after Masters degree has been done, but may take another serious event in the family. Hope not. I never hope anything would happen, ok? Nothing is good.

Very happy thought now. Dad is coming back the week after the next week; getting paid after next week and bank account will be healthy again; should practice cello again so will be much better when going back to the orchestra; should stop writing novel and think about what to put into it first; should start hassling friends again but in a gentler way.

Saw Sam in university Info Common today, very strange, he seems to be going out with another girl now. I thought he is together with hmm....ok normal university romance, short-lived and fiery. Ok. Rethink maybe I am not normal now, but am glad myself is different to other gals in town. Not slut.

Good to write. Just hope people don't mind my neurotic rambling.

1 comment:

Jeanie Tseng said...

Slut is a very strong word. Be cautious when you use it. It might backfire on ya.
Nah! Kidding. I am fellow girl with silly flowery ideas about romance... so definitely not slut.