我的快樂 會回來的


Big fight with diamond_storm

Feeling really down, because should not have said things about diamond_storm. Am dreading of losing a friend: but egan, you've brought this on yourself! You should apologise, or shut your big trap!

Yesterday was boring. However, I didn't make an effort to make it more fulfilling at all. Don't know why am not feeling cheerful at all. So much to do...not really, just don't feel like doing any work, just want to type some blog or do some experiment, but due to mental blockage and equipment break-down, there will not be any experiments today.

Made up KCl solution to store ORP meter. Not interesting, just adding quite a lot of KCl into a small bottle of reverse osmosis water (RO water) then shake/mix.

Met Laura in F.1.14 (university room number, pc room), and tried to write up my 15/10/14 results without success. I am lazy. Just don't feel like doing anything because there's no motivation.

Robert is leaving, am feeling sad about that and don't want to talk to anyone in the function because it's... just meaningless I suppose. People are expandable in organisation, must make a note of that and work extremely hard, otherwise will be fired.

Don't know if dad's application to Robert's position is successful or not, hopefully he will get to the interview stage. Should warn him if he wants the job, don't talk about Forth too much. I don't know... he is even more arrogant and rude than me. I don't think he actually wants the job, so he keeps annoyting the HR people. Very devious guy, but you know, he is my dad so I should know better.

My supervisor is taking her annual leave today, long weekend! But she is not particularly happy (doesn't show). Is it because old people are like that? Or am I just not mature enough? Oh ok, just checking. People are like that, eh?

About diamond_storm thing: what I think is, if she's like that then I don't have to care so much. Why? For what? I don't really have to feel bad anymore, one part of me keeps feeling bad and can't sleep and the other part is thinking, so what... (the devious part) don't want this friend anymore... Man, I know that's evil, and bad, but really need to stop thinking, otherwise my head will explode.

Office is awfully quiet. Everyone seems to be working very hard, better get back to transcribing my messy lab notes into another lab note book.

Snobish co-workers! That's why I don't want to talk to them...I know, because they are not friendly to me. They don't have to be, they are like that. Grow up, Egan, otherwise you will never understand and keeps giving yourself grief.


Jeanie Tseng said...

You should be careful in case one of your co-workers stumble across this blog! But come to think of it, they deserve to know the truth. You've got to be friendly to your workmates...coz after all, they are just part of your extended family. Sometimes you can't stand them, but you've gotta spend time with them...

Linda - Managing Director said...

I think it's because i am not really their co-worker. I am not a part of the company because I am a student in university. They can be snobbish to me. It's ok. Don't worry about it. Actually, I don't have to give so much to the company so it's a good thing. For example, because I don't belong to the company, I can't play in their touch game. *ANGRY* hmm...whatever.