我的快樂 會回來的


Party party party food food food

Mum and I cooked Nasi Goreng last night for today's potluck party. I can't believe how much rice I added to the frying pan, it's just full of rice! The ingredients include onions, chillis, and garlic. Green and gold peppers were 99c so I got three of them, but mum said they are too expensive still. I noticed that capsicum were small. We had fun chopping all the ingredients up while Richard learns Chinese on the dinner table. He asked me to make a recording of bur pur mur fur for him, but some of them were still hard to distinguish.
Mum marinated pork and chicken before cooking them, otherwise they would be tasteless. I added diced pork first, then diced chicken, and in the end, I added peeled prawns. The capsicums didn't take long to cook so I added them after the meat, and put the fried eggs back into the mix. Mum put the rice into the frying pan and I had to use all my energy on stirring the food together.
Mum added curry powder and white pepper to Nasi Goreng to give it a good golden colour. It's got green and yellow from capsicum, red from prawns, and light brown for pork and chicken. I also made a vegetarian version with mushroom, pea, carrot and corn, and I didn't add curry powder to this one. Some people may not like curry and chilli so they can choose to eat this one instead.
Two mountains of food were stacked into serving dishes and I will bring them to the party in the Hamilton Car Club tonight at 7 p.m. I will go home after work to get ready.
Work was going well, but the experiment wasn't behaving the way we want it to be. It's challenging and I couldn't get it to work yesterday. I will probably have to try again. Discussion with my boss will certainly help so we can decide which direction we will take today. So far the results are encouraging, but some samples just didn't give any good results.
I don't know what's happening with dad. He's not communicating with us. Fuzzy is busy with her big project, and I hope I can spend some time with her when she completes this project. I will catch up with Lisa in the weekend since it's her birthday this Sunday. I will also go to Bronwyn's and mow the lawn with mum.
I am looking forward to this party, time to relax and have fun with Richard in the weekend.

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