我的快樂 會回來的


Visits from Friends

Ruth, Maiqing, Gogo, Mrs. Wang, Mr. and Mrs. Chang came to visit our new house and us this weekend. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows had also came out yesterday. I am up to Chapter Nineteen, and given it to Fuzzy to read now.
The weather is so fine today! I am having a relaxing weekend. Maiqing and Gogo came to our place yesterday afternoon after Fuzzy complained about noone coming to visit. They walked in just after Fuzzy made the comment. Dad talked with Gogo, us girls talked to one another. The three of us showed Ruth and Maiqing our house.
I had been tidying up my closet before the people turned up. I have managed to stack all the clothes neatly. I had also vacuumed my room.
Ruth brought a really nice toy with her. The toy car was a lot of fun. We all played with it on the dinner table, the car was so fast that it was very difficult to catch before it ran off the table.
I got up at ten o'clock this morning, feeling completely bewildered by the telephone call. It was a wrong number! The person was very rude to mum, and who in their right mind would call so early on Sunday morning anyway?
Mrs. Wang bought a quiche and Mr. Chang brought mung bean cakes from Taiwan. They are so delicious! I am looking forward to Monday. Friends are coming back to work this week, and our lab will be back to its old self.

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