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Spiderman 3 and Monday

I watched Spiderman 3 in the new movie cinema in Chartwell on Saturday, and spent most of the Sunday moving. I am so glad that I did that in the weekend. It was relaxing and refreshing. I am all up for the challenge this week, but Monday, like all the other Mondays, are filled with surprises.
Our boss is back, and like his usual self, he has given us another Monday meeting. I am contemplating what I am going to do in the near future because another news has prompted me to rethink about my job. My eyes are truly opened now and I have no illusions about the future or where I am going. My only new friend who works in the "management" area is leaving this week. I am going to miss you a lot! I have to write her an e-mail. I know what I want, but it is not up to me to decide what I can have in the future. Sometimes, I feel that I am lucky that I live with my family because they are so supportive. If I have financial pressure, then I will be more nervous about the present situation.
We will set up a lunch party for our boss in June after I moved into the new place. Everyone is waiting for something to happen, and I believe something big will definitely happen. This change may not be to our liking, but we have to live with the consequences. I am worried about my future because my contract is not permanent, but on the other hand, it is also a good thing that it's not permanent. I have the freedom to operate.
On a lighter note, my workmate had said in passing that his flatmate/friend wants to watch Pirates of the Carribean: At the worlds End. Maybe we can go together. It's certainly something to look forward to. I have only seen this guy once, and he seems to be a nice man. I don't know him at all, except that he's a builder who is under a lot stress and is single. The good thing about this is that it will not be awkward like E's situation. We are not co-workers, and not dating co-workers is a good rule. I think the rule sucks. E doesn't like me that much anyway so I am getting over him.
Is this the only way to get over a crush? Is this the right way to go? I believe it is better than pining over a person who doesn't give a damn about me. I will be so much better off liking, or even loving another person who responds to me. I have been thinking over the weekend, and even if nothing come out of this in the end, I will be able to forget about the hours I spent crying and feeling confused about the whole situation. I am a beautiful and successful young woman, who has a nice career. I am a nice person inside out, and I am not afraid to take up a challenge. Why is it so hard for men to see me? It must be because I am weird or something?
I walked to the freezer in the basement this morning and saw the very stunning guy from our neighbouring group. He has the most brilliant blue eyes and dark hair. I tried to get away from him really fast, maybe he noticed? I hope he didn't notice. He is really cute! When I walked past his desk last time, he raised his head as I was walking. When I looked at him, he is the kind of guy who screamed: "Danger". I am so sorry that I don't have the confidence to talk to him.
Where did my confidence go? I am going to get it back with my dignity.
It's raining again. The weather is getting colder and colder everyday, but I don't care. I am so excited about moving to the new place. Our friend called last night to invite us to his place to have pizza! Ya!

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