我的快樂 會回來的


Precious time together

Spend whole day trying to fix the results that I got when boss was away. It is not easy. Today I am still tweaking the results so the graph will look reasonable.
Talk to P and cousin J in the afternoon. They are both doing well. P is writing her thesis and we talk a little bit about motivation and how our writing are going. It is hard work and often very boring. Needs to spice things up by looking at pictures of movie stars! Keanu Reeves etc.
Mum and dad are resting and Fuzzy was reading magazine from the library. There were all these funny labels on products. "Please take out the baby before folding the stroller." "This toilet brush cannot be used for brushing your teeth or body." Another joke is that the most talked about insect in the history was stuck on the telescope of NASA. They thought it was an UFO. Haha. The scientists spend years trying to find Dark Matter, but they never google for it. eBay sells Dark Matter. Why are you still trying to find it?
Practice cello before watching Lost. Talk for a while with family. We are talking about the time that we can spend together as a family. One day soon we will all work in other cities, get married and have babies and will never have another chance to talk like this. The time we spend together is precious. We have to treasure it.
Lost is about moving dynamite and the events just before the people board the plane. Is it fate that Hurley has to get on the plane? Is it fate that Sayid get on the plane? Is it fate that Jack get on the plane? Who knows, but it seems to me that it is. Walt is taken away by pirates from the island who they mistaken for a rescue vessel. The French woman stole Claire's baby, who has a name, Aaron. Mike's vessel is bombed by the pirates and their fate is hanging on a edge in the sea. Sawyer saved the boat's rudder because he has a death wish and is never afraid of dying. Jin gives Mike the watch that he is supposed to deliver to California for his father-in-law. He is being watched even when he is in Australia.
Compose two songs on cello but got bored after a while. Needs to practice a lot for Friday's group practice.
Miss M, but he doesn't reply my text or e-mail. Wondering what happened to him. Hope he is ok.

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