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Busy Wednesday

I can't believe how busy I am on Wednesday. Drive up to the farm bright and early to count my plates and discover that the Streptococcus uberis didn't grow. >_< I am going to have to repeat this experiment again on the bug. Supervisor gives me some pointers on how to improve the experiment and I am off to the office to check my e-mail. I just have enough time to do that before meeting friends and sister for lunch in university. We talk for a while about life in general. We are planning to go back to our original countries in Asia, including Taiwan, Malaysia and India. We will visit these places, shop, and see the sceneary. I have never been to Malaysia and India. It will be a great experience!
Quickly leave university to go to the farmers hall to play volleyball with people from work. We have lost yet another game, but we are improving all the time. The first game is really close. We only have five players this time and we nearly beat AgResearch. So happy!
Have about half an hour spare before the laborotary session so I work out the microscopic calculations in the computer room. Blog in Chinese then put on my long white coat. The students are not working hard enough! Some of them are really slow and didn't listen to instructions so they are not finished in time. We will make sure that they have hear the instructions clearly next time so there will be no excuses! We will not tolerate laziness and that will surely cost them marks if they have not done their pre-lab.
By the time I get home, I am just too tired to do anything else to quickly get into bed for a nap. In the evening, we watch Grey's Anatomy again and the new series Numbers. It is a great TV show but quite wooly with using mathematics to calculate crime.
Grey's Anatomy is about the second day that they struggle to make through their internship. Being intern sucks. Isabel has to stitch up a Chinese woman, not understanding her for whole day, she finally stitch her up. Then she finds another who is injured but has no green card so she cannot get inside the hospital. Poor woman. Grey is treating a rape victim who bit off her assailor's winkie. Haha. The guy then came stumbling into the hospital and bleeding. The woman wakes up from her coma in the end, which is a great thing. Grey can't resist kissing Derek in the elevator so when she gets off work, sho opt for taking the stairs instead. She accepts George as her new roommate. George deals with coding people all day and Christina deals with people who are not sick so don't need surgery at all. George gets really depressed when nearly all of his patients die, but when Christina tells him that, he is very angry. Then again, he is George and he worries too much.
Numbers is also about a serial rapist/killer. The cop's younger brother is a brilliant mathematician. He uses the information his brother gave him about the cases to think up an equation that calculate the point of origin, i.e. the place where the perp lives. He hypothesises that the perp lives in Silver Lake area, but he moved to another place recently so the cops can't find him. He also finds the place where the perp works and this time the perp is caught and a girl is saved from his grimy kitchen.

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