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Prepare to party - Part 1

Mum has been very supportive when I told her that Nemo is throwing a party that we need to dress up as Goddesses. She has opened up her closet and drawers to take out white fabrics that you can drape over your body. However, I reckon that some kind of normal clothes still needs to be worn underneath so the overall effect will be better.
I will go to David's Emporium around lunch time today to check out the necessary gears, but will have to talk to Fuzzy about what to buy and go tomorrow (Friday). All of us will go to Mr. M's honourary PhD celebration in the university on Saturday so we don't have time to shop then. Fuzzy has to work on Saturday morning anyway.
Fuzzy is preparing for her test on Chemical Engineering and Design 1 today. She is also trying to finish her homework for said subject. Very busy, so I haven't talked to her about this party in detail yet.
Nemo has turned 20. Good on him. His friend, Liv, and Travis, who also had a birthday, are putting this party with the theme Gods and Goddesses. Mum is taking it seriously and will probably help us dress up. She's got an old wedding dress from Salvation Army that can be cut and sew into a desirable shape for us. I am sure we will have a lot of fun in the weekend trying to dress up like the heavenly creatures we are. I wonder who Liv is, but will definitely find out next Monday.
"Lost" is still going strong in New Zealand television. More criminal activities have been revealed from Kate's past. Apparently she had robbed a bank and killed the person she loved. A French song is translated by the presumed "useless" blonde. The song is beautiful!
Try to do some cross word puzzle, but feel very tired so go straight to bed. Tidy up room, now my desk is not so horrible. I am sure that I can do better. Thinking about taking all the library books back because they are kind of boring.

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