我的快樂 會回來的


The problem of being Taurus

Yes, I blame it on the star sign. Like a strange student from China, who quit university because his star sign is good at doing business and not good at study, I blame my messed-up love life on my star sign.
Zeus was a powerful man so of course he can have any woman he wants. He turned into a golden bull and carry the princess from Africa into the sunset. He turns into rain and impregnant another princess, who lives in a prison cell. He also has a wife, several other mistresses all around the world. Taurus, being the golden bull that carry the princess away from her country, is always looking for some fun in the dating arena. Once they found their prey, the pounce, and they are definitely the "blind in love" type.
I don't know if this is true, but that's exactly how I feel. I don't like that feeling because it is so un-scientific, but hey, who said that emotion is un-scientific? You are controlled by your hormone, no matter who you are, you will feel the pull and push by it. You will love someone, hate someone, be disgusted by someone, and so on and so forth.
This guy, who has recently been told by his friend that chicks are a waste of money, time, and in conclusion will drag you down, is swimming in the pool with his sister. His sister, being my best pal right now, knows that I have a crush on this guy. I'd rather kill his friend who said that your girlfriend is never going to pay for anything, will suck you dry and will take up all your time. Fat chance. I don't have a lot of time to spend with my boyfriend, that doesn't mean that I don't love him. Actually, I have a lot of time to spend with my boyfriend but he doesn't want to spend them with me. That's not my fault. Also about this paying crap...I paid for my own airline ticket, my own travel fares to see my ex, and isn't that good enough? I will travel across the seven seas to see the love of my life, but what does he do? Nothing. He is working, he is taking care of his mother. There you go. Talking about committment, I have no committment issues. If I want something, or someone, then I will go get it. I will do anything that I can to make my boyfriend's life easier, happier, that including paying for my own ticket, my own dinner, my own lunch, my own movie ticket, my clothes, my food, and my everything. I don't want you to pay for me, you are not my keeper, and I can make my own money, buy my own shoes. In fact, by the time I finish Masters, I will safe up to buy my own house. I don't need no charity from anyone.
O.K. I will calm down. In fact the evening went so well. I went with my best pal and this guy to a nice restraunt to have some noodle/rice. This guy jokes about something and we all went home. Great night. I am so tired. Sleep instantly but still can't stop thinking about this guy. What a stupid friend he has! I hope he hasn't mucked up this whole dating/relationship brain of his.
Yes, I am proud to be an independent woman. Too bad if you can't see it. It's not my loss.

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