我的快樂 會回來的


This weekend I went to watch a movie: V for Vendetta. It is a great movie, and I don't know how to describe it. The whole concept is good, and being an adaptation from a graphic novel (comic book), it is one of the good ones in 2006.
However, mood is sliding down the slope lately, possibly due to having no job and not studying. I think I feel a bit lost. Family is supporting me all the way and I have got many good advises from my parents and friends and sister. I need to get my acts together. Starting from today, I will have a more regular life and the pretend holiday is over.
Walk up the hill to the hospital close to home and down for excersise. Already feel better now! So many projects at home that can be done still.
I can learn to cook better, how to knit properly (with winter coming), read more books, and live a healthier life. All those things take the backseat if I found a job and become very busy, so I believe that in-between-job is not so bad after all.
Give myself a smiley face.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Exercise is so jolly well good for the mind.