我的快樂 會回來的



Luke and Effervesence are both level 46 now. We travelled to Feralas to do quests there, hunting down sea sprays and giants. We also attempted to follow the chicken, and failed the first time because the chicken did not attract the gorillas on the road.
Darnasus is a beautiful elf town, with Asian buildings and a bear as bank. There are lots of trees, streams, and even wisp of spirit floating around. It's a pleasant place to be. Theramore Isle is also quite interesting, normally not crowded with people, quiet and pretty little town to visit. You can swim to the mainland from the north easily.
I got quests from Nigel's Point and Desolace for Mauradon. There are three quests you can do, and it was difficult to kill anything there because it's a huge place. Yodah went with me and I died three times.

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