I have been doing a lot of experiments lately. On Thursday I got some great results, and on Friday I have been planning for experiments next week, doing some calculations and drawing graphs for the previous results. So tired after rock climbing and cello practicing in the evening!
The O.C. is great, a lot of drama going on. Seth has made a fool of himself in front of Summer, and his cartoon career is finished before it started. Marisa is dating Alex. Ryan is betting pool and winning with Caleb. Caleb has to accept that he is Lindsey's boyfriend. Sandy is still in love with Rebecca after all these years and his wife is not happy. He has been real bad lately to his wife, not remembering the wedding anniversary, not spending time with her on Valentine's Day! Rebecca's father died.
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Fight and biochemistry lab book
Had major fight with sister about silly blog thing. Today I fix it and hopefully everything will be o.k. However, quickly made up when she asked me how to do biochemistry lab.
I did this particular lab in 2001 (three years ago) so it was not easy for me even to find this lab book. However, after ten minutes of moving lecture notes, looking through dusty boxes and putting these notes on the crowded sunroom stairs, finally come across the desired purple book. YA! That's what I am looking for!
After fishing the book out from sunroom, I embarked on teaching her how to do this lab. It is very hard. I will have admit that after all these years that I don't remember a thing about this lab. It's good that the university doesn't change the lab set-up too much so I can help her solve the intricate problems about alcohol dehydrogenase and drunk drivers, and plot Lineweaver-Burke plot. Discover that I haven't done it after three years so I drew the graph enthusiastically. Worked out the answer to the questions, but she has got a totally different outcome to me. Interesting. Then after two hours of intensive teaching/discussion, she proceeds to complete the pre-lab questions, which I helped as well.
Feeling very good because actually doing something. Thinking and solving problems are my specialty.
Today's lab is going really well but ozone is not killing any bugs. According to the results I've got, if you add ozone to Reverse Osmosis (RO) water, and pool this with bacterial solution, then plate the solution our on blood esculin plate, there's no inhibition of growth what so ever. >_< Up until now, I get good killing results from gas exposure but no good results for liquid exposure. What is wrong with the experiment? Or is it simply because the concentration of ozone in the liquid is too low to inhibit the growth of bacteria? There's no point to use liquid if this is the case. This implies that it will be impossible to use ozonated waters to inhibit the growth of bacteria. I sincerely hope this is not the case.
Will go rock climbing again because it's half-price night. Very happy about the sport. May not be able to do outdoor stuff because weather is going to be "yucky" (like our friend said) in winter. However, saw the snow picture on Mt. Hutt. Should check it out! Wondering when Mt. Ruapehu will have snow on it. Maybe should organise skiing with friends because she has been to skiing. ^_^
Tramping is kind of out of question if it rains a lot, but I love tramping. Actually prefer tramping to rock climbing because it doesn't require so much energy.
I did this particular lab in 2001 (three years ago) so it was not easy for me even to find this lab book. However, after ten minutes of moving lecture notes, looking through dusty boxes and putting these notes on the crowded sunroom stairs, finally come across the desired purple book. YA! That's what I am looking for!
After fishing the book out from sunroom, I embarked on teaching her how to do this lab. It is very hard. I will have admit that after all these years that I don't remember a thing about this lab. It's good that the university doesn't change the lab set-up too much so I can help her solve the intricate problems about alcohol dehydrogenase and drunk drivers, and plot Lineweaver-Burke plot. Discover that I haven't done it after three years so I drew the graph enthusiastically. Worked out the answer to the questions, but she has got a totally different outcome to me. Interesting. Then after two hours of intensive teaching/discussion, she proceeds to complete the pre-lab questions, which I helped as well.
Feeling very good because actually doing something. Thinking and solving problems are my specialty.
Today's lab is going really well but ozone is not killing any bugs. According to the results I've got, if you add ozone to Reverse Osmosis (RO) water, and pool this with bacterial solution, then plate the solution our on blood esculin plate, there's no inhibition of growth what so ever. >_< Up until now, I get good killing results from gas exposure but no good results for liquid exposure. What is wrong with the experiment? Or is it simply because the concentration of ozone in the liquid is too low to inhibit the growth of bacteria? There's no point to use liquid if this is the case. This implies that it will be impossible to use ozonated waters to inhibit the growth of bacteria. I sincerely hope this is not the case.
Will go rock climbing again because it's half-price night. Very happy about the sport. May not be able to do outdoor stuff because weather is going to be "yucky" (like our friend said) in winter. However, saw the snow picture on Mt. Hutt. Should check it out! Wondering when Mt. Ruapehu will have snow on it. Maybe should organise skiing with friends because she has been to skiing. ^_^
Tramping is kind of out of question if it rains a lot, but I love tramping. Actually prefer tramping to rock climbing because it doesn't require so much energy.
I have been planning for the next two months after meeting with my supervisors. I know where to go from here. No more slacking off! I feel great about what I have done and should feel better when the whole plan has been executed. Looking forward to see the results coming out from the other end.
Rock climbing today after a two week break. I have been getting fatter due to too much eating and sitting around. Wish to lose some weight by going to the gym and rock climbing regularly. Meet friend who has been to South Island. He keeps talking about making dinner and seafood! Haha. He must be hungry for food. Looks considerably thinner because has been living on crumpets and peanut butter. Poor guy. He has been living outdoors in the Nelson area. Loves the West Coast. Who doesn't? It is perhaps the last place on Earth where people are scarce and forest is aplenty. It is a paradise on Earth.
Dad asked me to print out some articles for him. They contain scary conspiracy theories and the new inventions of batteries that only take 1 minute to charge up. There is also a mobile phone charger that is built into the fabric of your clothes. That means one day we will be able to charge our mobile on the move. No more plugs!
Today I have been doing the ozonated solution + bacteria in diluent experiment. One mistake has been made while making the -6 solution. Accidentally added 2 ml to the bacteria so the number of bacteria on the plate will be lower. If take this into consideration then it should be fine.
Rock climb meeting today at 5. Our president has injured her leg. I should ask her how she did it and when she will be better. Maybe I should also go to her house and check up on her, but I don't know where she lives. Presumably very close to where I live, but I don't know the street and the number.
Hope the students back in university are working hard and having fun. Good luck, everyone.
Rock climbing today after a two week break. I have been getting fatter due to too much eating and sitting around. Wish to lose some weight by going to the gym and rock climbing regularly. Meet friend who has been to South Island. He keeps talking about making dinner and seafood! Haha. He must be hungry for food. Looks considerably thinner because has been living on crumpets and peanut butter. Poor guy. He has been living outdoors in the Nelson area. Loves the West Coast. Who doesn't? It is perhaps the last place on Earth where people are scarce and forest is aplenty. It is a paradise on Earth.
Dad asked me to print out some articles for him. They contain scary conspiracy theories and the new inventions of batteries that only take 1 minute to charge up. There is also a mobile phone charger that is built into the fabric of your clothes. That means one day we will be able to charge our mobile on the move. No more plugs!
Today I have been doing the ozonated solution + bacteria in diluent experiment. One mistake has been made while making the -6 solution. Accidentally added 2 ml to the bacteria so the number of bacteria on the plate will be lower. If take this into consideration then it should be fine.
Rock climb meeting today at 5. Our president has injured her leg. I should ask her how she did it and when she will be better. Maybe I should also go to her house and check up on her, but I don't know where she lives. Presumably very close to where I live, but I don't know the street and the number.
Hope the students back in university are working hard and having fun. Good luck, everyone.
Live and death
I had been growing bacteria up and killing them. The main objective of my research is to kill these bugs. I am not sorry for what I have done because they are truly evil.
Spent whole day yesterday giving ozone a go at killing the bacteria on plates. I will go and count the number of bacteria left on the plate after lunch.
Meet with both supervisors up in university this morning. Now understand where to go and what to do next. Feeling very fulfiled and happy. Will rock climb with sister today after work.
It had rained in the evening. The drops were banging the roof and I couldn't sleep at four o'clock in the morning. Frustrated. However, have an idea about what to do for Mother's Day so it wasn't all bad after all.
Found Darth Vadar's site. Very interesting. Even the replies on the site are funny and insightful.
Sent out the thank you notes via e-mail. Hope they will check out the pictures from the birthday party.
Spent whole day yesterday giving ozone a go at killing the bacteria on plates. I will go and count the number of bacteria left on the plate after lunch.
Meet with both supervisors up in university this morning. Now understand where to go and what to do next. Feeling very fulfiled and happy. Will rock climb with sister today after work.
It had rained in the evening. The drops were banging the roof and I couldn't sleep at four o'clock in the morning. Frustrated. However, have an idea about what to do for Mother's Day so it wasn't all bad after all.
Found Darth Vadar's site. Very interesting. Even the replies on the site are funny and insightful.
Sent out the thank you notes via e-mail. Hope they will check out the pictures from the birthday party.
Hold on to what you have
Rush through breakfast because Fuzzy is ready to leave the house.
Take Fuzzyslowmo to university to use the computer. Blogged and changed the webpage, which I have not done for a while. Wondering how to use Microsoft Publisher, then decide not to use it.
People start to stream into the computer lab as we work our way through the net. Have lunch at home and become completely bored in the afternoon. Fuzzy invites her friend over so she will not be so bored. I knit then rest my bones underneath the thick cover of duvet. How comfortable!
Wake up and play cards with Fuzzy and her friend. We have beef cake for dinner. Very delicious. Listen to great music.
Australian football hooligans have attacked one another after the weekend's game. Riot breaks out in New South Wales. What a shame! A Chinese woman has been killed in Auckland, they are still trying to find the killer.
Watch the 100th episode of CSI and Criminal Intent. Miss out on watching Celebrity dance in 1. Interesting episode and Greg is in his silk shirt (so cute). Grissom is understanding and telling Wendy's friend that she should show Wendy's parents that there are two kinds of oysters, one kind can change its sex at well. We have lost the ability to change our sex, and is that normal? We never question it, but why should someone be trapped in a body that they cannot stand?
Take Fuzzyslowmo to university to use the computer. Blogged and changed the webpage, which I have not done for a while. Wondering how to use Microsoft Publisher, then decide not to use it.
People start to stream into the computer lab as we work our way through the net. Have lunch at home and become completely bored in the afternoon. Fuzzy invites her friend over so she will not be so bored. I knit then rest my bones underneath the thick cover of duvet. How comfortable!
Wake up and play cards with Fuzzy and her friend. We have beef cake for dinner. Very delicious. Listen to great music.
Australian football hooligans have attacked one another after the weekend's game. Riot breaks out in New South Wales. What a shame! A Chinese woman has been killed in Auckland, they are still trying to find the killer.
Watch the 100th episode of CSI and Criminal Intent. Miss out on watching Celebrity dance in 1. Interesting episode and Greg is in his silk shirt (so cute). Grissom is understanding and telling Wendy's friend that she should show Wendy's parents that there are two kinds of oysters, one kind can change its sex at well. We have lost the ability to change our sex, and is that normal? We never question it, but why should someone be trapped in a body that they cannot stand?
Weekend: you are supposed to do nothing...
However, that is not the case. I have not been busy, but I have been doing something in my weekend. I have started a comic based on the idea that I had for the novel, but it has not gotten very far (only 3 pages). I have also been knitting, and discover that there's something wrong with the way I knit it so it came out all wrong. It is not stocking stitch at all, and I don't know what stitches they are. >_<
Mr. T has bought us a convection oven, so I have used it to heat up the left-over pizza from the birthday party. Yum yum.
Read The Grim Grotto. Quite interesting, up to Chapter 6 now. Should keep reading until the last page despite what Lemony Snicket has advised. (Put this miserable book down, etc. etc.)
Watch rugby because 2 does not have a good movie. It is Hurricane Vs. Brumbies. Two funny men, Bill and Ben, put up exceptional performances before the game. E.g. That's 70s Game, A Very Simple Life, and CSI: Investigation of the games. You can dress up to watch the game. You can break into other people's house to watch the game. You can gift wrap the television and send the Super 12 as a birthday present to your friend. You can dip your hand in ice bucket until your team score a try (sounds very painful).
Hurricane play very well, with Tana Umaga and Ma'a Nanu, and Jimmy. They have more power and the final score is 49 to 37, Hurricane wins. Wondering what will happen to Brumbies. Will they still be in Super 12 next year? However, they have no chance of getting into semi-finals now. Hurricane is now in 3rd place.
Rain whole day, on and off. Send godmother mother's day card. Ask if she and her family is well. Has not heard from godmother for so long. But knowing her, I would say she is busy working as usual. There's no let up.
Fuzzy is using the computer in university. Our home computer is like always, striking. Can't get it to connect to internet anyway. What's the point?
Mr. T has bought us a convection oven, so I have used it to heat up the left-over pizza from the birthday party. Yum yum.
Read The Grim Grotto. Quite interesting, up to Chapter 6 now. Should keep reading until the last page despite what Lemony Snicket has advised. (Put this miserable book down, etc. etc.)
Watch rugby because 2 does not have a good movie. It is Hurricane Vs. Brumbies. Two funny men, Bill and Ben, put up exceptional performances before the game. E.g. That's 70s Game, A Very Simple Life, and CSI: Investigation of the games. You can dress up to watch the game. You can break into other people's house to watch the game. You can gift wrap the television and send the Super 12 as a birthday present to your friend. You can dip your hand in ice bucket until your team score a try (sounds very painful).
Hurricane play very well, with Tana Umaga and Ma'a Nanu, and Jimmy. They have more power and the final score is 49 to 37, Hurricane wins. Wondering what will happen to Brumbies. Will they still be in Super 12 next year? However, they have no chance of getting into semi-finals now. Hurricane is now in 3rd place.
Rain whole day, on and off. Send godmother mother's day card. Ask if she and her family is well. Has not heard from godmother for so long. But knowing her, I would say she is busy working as usual. There's no let up.
Fuzzy is using the computer in university. Our home computer is like always, striking. Can't get it to connect to internet anyway. What's the point?
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