I have totally forgotten to blog for this film, but it is a really nice movie. IMDB site has trashed this movie so my expectation isn's high, but I find it better than I expected.
*Spoiler alert*
The dialogue is inconsequential. Maybe that's why the reviewer doesn't like this movie. They didn't say much in this movie.
The spear of destiny is discovered by a Latin man. He is possessed by Mamoon, Lucifier's (Satan) son. He brings death to the creatures around him. He kills all the cattle around him when he passes through the field.
John Constantine is a demon police who lives in Los Angeles. He hunts down a demon soldier in a girl's body in the beginning of the movie. The demon is trapped in a mirror and thrown out the window. The demon dies as the mirror crash to the ground.
Angela Dodson's sister, Isabel, throws herself off the hospital building. Unable to believe that her sister killed herself, she confronts Constantine for some answers. She admits to denying having psychic powers while her sister embraces it. She claims that she can see angels and demons so her parents send her to live in a psychiatric hospital.
Constantine goes to her place to see her sister's effects. He visits hell to find Isabel. The truth is that she killed herself and he brings back her medical bracelet as evidence.
Sadness engulfs her, but Angela quickly recovers. Constantine's blind priest friend reads the newspaper and comes across Isabel's suicide. He goes to the morgue to visit her body, and finds a symbol on her wrist. Belthazar kills him by forcing him to drink many bottles of alcohol and still thinks he is thirsty.
Angela and John visit the hospital to see what had she left for Angela. She denies knowing what Isabel left, but later reads the writing on the window.
It is apparently a passage in hell's bible. It tells of Mamoon's ambition to take over Earth. He needs the spear of destiny, a psychic, and the help of God.
Isabel is a psychic, the spear of destiny has been found, and an angel will help him. Constantine's friend, Dean, informs him and Angela this. At the same time, Belthazar attack him so his body is consumed by the thing he loves the most, insects. By the time John and Angela arrives, he is covered by flies.
Angela demands to visit hell. Make a joke about taking all her clothes off. She is fully emerged under water by John. Seeing hell, she knows all those people are suffering.
This is an initiation back to her Constantine's blind priest friend reads the newspaper and comes across Isabel's suicide. He goes to the morgue to visit her body, and finds a symbol on her wrist. Belthazar kills him by forcing him to drink many bottles of alcohol and still thinks he is thirsty.
She demands to be shown the way to hell. Seeing all the people who are suffering, and initialised into the psychic world again, she visits the bowling ally to find Belthazar's coin.
Constantine brings out the big gun to see Belthazar. He is a rich businessman. He pours holy water on his face and blows his brains out after reading him the last rite from the Holy Bible. However, he is not a priest, so Belthazar will not really go to heaven.
Mamoon leaves him to die and takes Angela as his new psychic.
In the hospital, Angela appears in the pool. Mamoon goes into her body and he leaves hell. Constantine goes to Midnite demanding the use of the chair from Singsing prison. Going to hell again, he sees Mamoon taking the spear of destiny out of the ground and killing a motorist. Taking his car, he enters America and arrives at Los Angeles after a long journey.
He takes his driver, Ched, to the hospital. There he finds a grounp of demons in a room. Ched puts the cross into the water tank. Clicking his lighter open, Constantine burns the demons and blows their brains up. Ched comes to help him as his gun stuck.
They push open the door into the pool area. Angela is sleeping on the ground. Mamoon struggles to come of of her body, and they prevent him to come out. Ched chants with Constantine so Mamoon cannot cross over to this side of the world.
Gabrielle, the half angel, takes the spear of destiny and throws Constantine to the door. As she wields the spear, Lucifier appears as John dies. He comes to see if his son really is coming to take over the world. He holds Angela and Gabrielle strikes the ground. God takes away her wings in the pool. Constantine is going to heaven, but Lucifer will not let him go easily. He takes away his cancer in the lungs so he will once again walk the earth unharmed.
At the end of the movie, Constantine gives the spear of destiny to Angela to hide, even from him. They will see each other around.
The hell scenes are great, and the demon attack are beautifully done.
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Demonstrating biology lab
Today is the first time that I ever demonstrate a biology lab, and we did a dissection. The students are pretty good. Incidentally, my group consists of only girls. They are working very hard, only one girl lost all her prawn organs >_<. Poor girl. It's very hard for her to draw a graph.
I work with Megan and David. They are both good. The first thing is that we have to mark pre-lab. Some people have forgotten to do it, so I let them complete the pre-lab. Male prawns are easier to draw. They have sperm duct, vas deferens, gastic mill, heart and digestive gland. The female prawn is a bit more messy than the male. It has ovary, and that obstruct the gastric mill and the digestive gland.
The nerve system is complicated to label.
It takes a long time for everybody to finish, but they did it with flair. I also meet Mark in the lab. He is working very hard.
David said one of the annoying student didn't turn up. Students are easy going. Sometimes they have questions so we are there to help them. It's a good feeling that I have learned something so I can assist the professor in lab to teach these new students, show them the wonder of biology.
Next week we will dissect the sheep's heart. Hopefully no one will faint or feel sick. Heart has got a strong smell and quite red. I think I am just lucky that I don't feel queasy at the dissecting labs. It's a part of my life, I suppose. What can be worse? I have seen milking and slaughtering. These two are much worse than the dissection.
Talk to Ray about my project. He said he will give me some bugs to work with for the half life later. It's great! I am glad that he will help me. See Laura in the lab as well, she is freezing her samples.
Fuzzy forgot to take her mobile phone so I have to remember to give signals for mum and dad. I also have to remember to give Sigma Protocol back to city library because it's overdue. I may have to pay some fines for that as well. So naughty!
It's Dexcel's Fieldday today. A lot of farmers will be on Lye Farm. All my workmates are there showing the farmers around. I will do the double distilled water experiment again because I missed the time point in the morning.
I work with Megan and David. They are both good. The first thing is that we have to mark pre-lab. Some people have forgotten to do it, so I let them complete the pre-lab. Male prawns are easier to draw. They have sperm duct, vas deferens, gastic mill, heart and digestive gland. The female prawn is a bit more messy than the male. It has ovary, and that obstruct the gastric mill and the digestive gland.
The nerve system is complicated to label.
It takes a long time for everybody to finish, but they did it with flair. I also meet Mark in the lab. He is working very hard.
David said one of the annoying student didn't turn up. Students are easy going. Sometimes they have questions so we are there to help them. It's a good feeling that I have learned something so I can assist the professor in lab to teach these new students, show them the wonder of biology.
Next week we will dissect the sheep's heart. Hopefully no one will faint or feel sick. Heart has got a strong smell and quite red. I think I am just lucky that I don't feel queasy at the dissecting labs. It's a part of my life, I suppose. What can be worse? I have seen milking and slaughtering. These two are much worse than the dissection.
Talk to Ray about my project. He said he will give me some bugs to work with for the half life later. It's great! I am glad that he will help me. See Laura in the lab as well, she is freezing her samples.
Fuzzy forgot to take her mobile phone so I have to remember to give signals for mum and dad. I also have to remember to give Sigma Protocol back to city library because it's overdue. I may have to pay some fines for that as well. So naughty!
It's Dexcel's Fieldday today. A lot of farmers will be on Lye Farm. All my workmates are there showing the farmers around. I will do the double distilled water experiment again because I missed the time point in the morning.
It took 24 hrs
I got a great result from yesterday and today. The half life of ozone in 1.5% saline solution is more than 24 hrs. I am so happy! I have to tidy up the results now, of course, but I will be able to show my supervisor what I've found soon.
The morning ends with this good results and typing up blog for yesterday. I should change some gramma because it looks wrong.
Leave work at around half pass twelve to attend a First Aid Course. It's absolutely the same as the one I went to two years ago. What can change anyway? The university requires us to go every year to refresh our memory. I suppose it is good because you can forget some things. G is late for this course, but it's good to admire him for an hour. It's very good for my mood. ^_^ He is well.
Also meet F, L, M, and Mei. They are all working very hard towards their thesis. L is working part-time as departmental secretary for science and engineering. Earning money always helps.
The weather is so good, so I open the curtains at work. Wants to turn light off but can't find the switch. So energy inefficient! Haha.
Will watch Constantine tonight. Wish everything goes well. Why shouldn't it be? We are having a girl's night out. We shall have a lot of fun and then some.
The morning ends with this good results and typing up blog for yesterday. I should change some gramma because it looks wrong.
Leave work at around half pass twelve to attend a First Aid Course. It's absolutely the same as the one I went to two years ago. What can change anyway? The university requires us to go every year to refresh our memory. I suppose it is good because you can forget some things. G is late for this course, but it's good to admire him for an hour. It's very good for my mood. ^_^ He is well.
Also meet F, L, M, and Mei. They are all working very hard towards their thesis. L is working part-time as departmental secretary for science and engineering. Earning money always helps.
The weather is so good, so I open the curtains at work. Wants to turn light off but can't find the switch. So energy inefficient! Haha.
Will watch Constantine tonight. Wish everything goes well. Why shouldn't it be? We are having a girl's night out. We shall have a lot of fun and then some.
Two seminars in one day and The Incredibles
Watched the Incredibles today. It's so cool!
Mr. Incredible is a single superhero, but he is not single for long in this movie. He asks if Elasticgirl is free that night, and after saving a cat and a person who jumps out of a building, he gets married with her. However, the person doesn't want to be saved so he sued Mr. Incredible. Other people also sued the superheros. The superheros are forced into hiding.
Fifteen years later, Mr. Incredible is working as an insurance consultant. He keeps helping the client because he is still a superhero inside.
His son, Dash, is a fast kid. He tagged his teacher and got caught on tape. His mum is angry and informs Mr. Incredible, who is happy for his son's speed and not get caught. Violet, their daughter, has a crush on Tony. Two kids fight each other and Elasticgirl has her hands full. When Frozeman comes into the door, they suddenly become very obedient. Mr. Incredible is going bowling.
However, the men are not bowling on the street. They are listening to the police radio. They manage to save some people from a burning building by jumping into a jewllery store. Frozeman has to freeze a police officer to get away.
On top of everything, Mr. Incredible gets fired after throwing his boss through several layers of wall.
He gets contacted by a silver hair girl to fight a machine on an island. He makes a lot of money from this venture. He is also working out so he will be thinner around the waist. He has been ignoring his figure after the marriage.
One day, when Mrs. Incredible is cleaning, she finds a silver hair on Mr. Incredible's suit. She also notices that Mr. Incredible's suit is patched up. She calls Edna immediately.
Edna invites her to her place.
Apparently, Mr. Incredible has requested a new suit from Edna, and she has been busy making The Incredibles new suits. Elasticgirl's suit is stretchy. Violet's suit can become invisible. Dash's suit can withstand the friction and heat because he is very fast. These suits are basically indestructable.
Edna has put a homing device on Mr. Incredible's suit, so Elasticgirl can find Mr. Incredible.
She goes home, Dash discovers their suit. The two kids stow away on their mother's jet and follows her to the island.
Meanwhile, Mr. Incredible has to combat a machine that's very hard to kill. He discovers only the machine itself can destroy it. He rides into Syndrome's volcanic hide-out only ending up captured by Syndrome. Syndrome was Mr. Incredible's no. 1 fan, without any power, he invented rockets so he can fly, and magnetic pulse that can envelope the superheros. He also invented the machine to kill superheros. He aims to fight the machine and become the new superhero in the city. Mr. Incredible discovers Syndrome's password, but it's too late now.
Mrs. Incredible's airplane arrives at the island. Syndrome sends out missiles to destroy the plane and The Incredible family. Elasticgirl asks Violet to generate a force field to protect them, but she couldn't. Mrs. Incredible has to form a parachute for the children. After they fall into the ocean, Dash uses his leg as propeller, and Elasticgirl turns into a boat to take Violet to the island.
The silver hair girl releases Mr. Incredible. Elasticgirl goes off by herself to rescue Mr. Incredible. They kiss. The kids get discovered and chased by Syndrome's soldiers on hovercrafts in the morning. They are unharmed. The sequence is beautifully done. Mr. Incredible and Elasticgirl destroy these hovercrafts together. This fighting scene is great!
Syndrome sends a rocket to the Metroville. It is another machine that destroy anything around it. The Incredibles take a van. Elasticgirl holds onto the van and attach herself on the rocket. They crush to the ground. Frozeman comes to help. The city is in chaos. The soldiers are unable to stop the beasty machine. A lot of people died.
They defeat the machine by sending a part of itself through the middle of it. Syndrome fails to impress the crowd and escapes.
Syndrome captures Jack Jack, the baby in the family. As he tries to get into his airplane, Jack Jack turns into a fireball and metal to fight Syndrome. He can't hold onto the baby. Syndrome's cape gets caught in the airplane's engine and blows the plane up. Mr. Incredible throws Elasticgirl up so she can rescue the baby.
Three months later, Dash runs in a running competition and wins the second place. Violet asks Tony out for a movie on Friday. Another villan appears on the street in a large machine, so The Incredibles are working as a team again!
I love it. The story is fast paced, and the characters are lovable. I like Holly Hunt's voice as Elasticgirl. And also Edna. She is so cool.
Two seminars are about Lake Kinneret and Towards Sustainable Buildings seminar. The Lake seminar is done by an Israeli professor.
Lake Kinneret is connected to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. It's a salt lake because water is drawn from the lake for human use and brackish water leaks into the lake. High salt promotes the growth of algae, and they use up the carbon dioxide in the lake and produce toxins.
The sustainable buildings are buildings that utilize natural ventilation and lighting. Some examples are the Canterbury Mathematical and Computer School, Auckland Univerisity of Technology campus, and Paraparaumu library. Some advance examples are Landcare Research in Auckland and Gore Leisure Centre. These buildings have glass windows to let sunlight in, and windows that open when it is too hot and close when it is too cold. Some windows are controlled automatically. There are also shade that open and close when desired.
My brain is filled with new knowledge and the experiment is going well. I am so happy.
Mr. Incredible is a single superhero, but he is not single for long in this movie. He asks if Elasticgirl is free that night, and after saving a cat and a person who jumps out of a building, he gets married with her. However, the person doesn't want to be saved so he sued Mr. Incredible. Other people also sued the superheros. The superheros are forced into hiding.
Fifteen years later, Mr. Incredible is working as an insurance consultant. He keeps helping the client because he is still a superhero inside.
His son, Dash, is a fast kid. He tagged his teacher and got caught on tape. His mum is angry and informs Mr. Incredible, who is happy for his son's speed and not get caught. Violet, their daughter, has a crush on Tony. Two kids fight each other and Elasticgirl has her hands full. When Frozeman comes into the door, they suddenly become very obedient. Mr. Incredible is going bowling.
However, the men are not bowling on the street. They are listening to the police radio. They manage to save some people from a burning building by jumping into a jewllery store. Frozeman has to freeze a police officer to get away.
On top of everything, Mr. Incredible gets fired after throwing his boss through several layers of wall.
He gets contacted by a silver hair girl to fight a machine on an island. He makes a lot of money from this venture. He is also working out so he will be thinner around the waist. He has been ignoring his figure after the marriage.
One day, when Mrs. Incredible is cleaning, she finds a silver hair on Mr. Incredible's suit. She also notices that Mr. Incredible's suit is patched up. She calls Edna immediately.
Edna invites her to her place.
Apparently, Mr. Incredible has requested a new suit from Edna, and she has been busy making The Incredibles new suits. Elasticgirl's suit is stretchy. Violet's suit can become invisible. Dash's suit can withstand the friction and heat because he is very fast. These suits are basically indestructable.
Edna has put a homing device on Mr. Incredible's suit, so Elasticgirl can find Mr. Incredible.
She goes home, Dash discovers their suit. The two kids stow away on their mother's jet and follows her to the island.
Meanwhile, Mr. Incredible has to combat a machine that's very hard to kill. He discovers only the machine itself can destroy it. He rides into Syndrome's volcanic hide-out only ending up captured by Syndrome. Syndrome was Mr. Incredible's no. 1 fan, without any power, he invented rockets so he can fly, and magnetic pulse that can envelope the superheros. He also invented the machine to kill superheros. He aims to fight the machine and become the new superhero in the city. Mr. Incredible discovers Syndrome's password, but it's too late now.
Mrs. Incredible's airplane arrives at the island. Syndrome sends out missiles to destroy the plane and The Incredible family. Elasticgirl asks Violet to generate a force field to protect them, but she couldn't. Mrs. Incredible has to form a parachute for the children. After they fall into the ocean, Dash uses his leg as propeller, and Elasticgirl turns into a boat to take Violet to the island.
The silver hair girl releases Mr. Incredible. Elasticgirl goes off by herself to rescue Mr. Incredible. They kiss. The kids get discovered and chased by Syndrome's soldiers on hovercrafts in the morning. They are unharmed. The sequence is beautifully done. Mr. Incredible and Elasticgirl destroy these hovercrafts together. This fighting scene is great!
Syndrome sends a rocket to the Metroville. It is another machine that destroy anything around it. The Incredibles take a van. Elasticgirl holds onto the van and attach herself on the rocket. They crush to the ground. Frozeman comes to help. The city is in chaos. The soldiers are unable to stop the beasty machine. A lot of people died.
They defeat the machine by sending a part of itself through the middle of it. Syndrome fails to impress the crowd and escapes.
Syndrome captures Jack Jack, the baby in the family. As he tries to get into his airplane, Jack Jack turns into a fireball and metal to fight Syndrome. He can't hold onto the baby. Syndrome's cape gets caught in the airplane's engine and blows the plane up. Mr. Incredible throws Elasticgirl up so she can rescue the baby.
Three months later, Dash runs in a running competition and wins the second place. Violet asks Tony out for a movie on Friday. Another villan appears on the street in a large machine, so The Incredibles are working as a team again!
I love it. The story is fast paced, and the characters are lovable. I like Holly Hunt's voice as Elasticgirl. And also Edna. She is so cool.
Two seminars are about Lake Kinneret and Towards Sustainable Buildings seminar. The Lake seminar is done by an Israeli professor.
Lake Kinneret is connected to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. It's a salt lake because water is drawn from the lake for human use and brackish water leaks into the lake. High salt promotes the growth of algae, and they use up the carbon dioxide in the lake and produce toxins.
The sustainable buildings are buildings that utilize natural ventilation and lighting. Some examples are the Canterbury Mathematical and Computer School, Auckland Univerisity of Technology campus, and Paraparaumu library. Some advance examples are Landcare Research in Auckland and Gore Leisure Centre. These buildings have glass windows to let sunlight in, and windows that open when it is too hot and close when it is too cold. Some windows are controlled automatically. There are also shade that open and close when desired.
My brain is filled with new knowledge and the experiment is going well. I am so happy.
Dissecting the prawn
I discovered that I have forgotten to bring the dissecting kit, so I texted Fuzzyslowmo. She brings it up when she goes to the study group around eleven.
I have already ran another double distilled water ozone experiment this morning.
I sit beside Jo, and started to dissect a large prawn. I think it will be easier to dissect a large one. It is a female, so it has a large ovary. I still remember the prawn that I dissected in first year. It was a male so it's not easy to cut up. It's really small. Wish the students will be able to dissect without too much trouble on Thursday.
I am trying to write the results up. Tidy them up before carrying out any more experiment is a good idea.
I have already ran another double distilled water ozone experiment this morning.
I sit beside Jo, and started to dissect a large prawn. I think it will be easier to dissect a large one. It is a female, so it has a large ovary. I still remember the prawn that I dissected in first year. It was a male so it's not easy to cut up. It's really small. Wish the students will be able to dissect without too much trouble on Thursday.
I am trying to write the results up. Tidy them up before carrying out any more experiment is a good idea.
Fuzzy invited me to this saxphone concert in a church (excuse my spelling). She didn't like it, but I think it was ok.
I have been writing a story called Dawn and Dusk. Wish this time I will be able to finish. I will try to finish it before October so I can publish it on net for the nanowrimo this year.
Mum had trouble finishing cooking dinner lately. Don't know why. She didn't eat dinner tonight. I wish she will get better soon.
Dad had been asking me about crude oil price. It's so high. It's $54.43 now. It's not good for us.
Hope the economy will improve some how.
I have been writing a story called Dawn and Dusk. Wish this time I will be able to finish. I will try to finish it before October so I can publish it on net for the nanowrimo this year.
Mum had trouble finishing cooking dinner lately. Don't know why. She didn't eat dinner tonight. I wish she will get better soon.
Dad had been asking me about crude oil price. It's so high. It's $54.43 now. It's not good for us.
Hope the economy will improve some how.
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