我的快樂 會回來的


What was undone

What was undone was that I forgot to turn something off at work yesterday. Oh, no! I went back and turned it completely off yesterday but I keep making these silly mistakes. If I have thought of the consequences before I had done something, or hadn't done something, then I wouldn't have go ahead and made the mistakes, would I?
I really hope that I am more careful now. I don't want other people to have the chance to do any backstabbing or saying something behind my back. I will work harder. I will be more careful.
Mum and I talked a lot about what's happening at home. I truly hope that everything will turn out okay. There are so many things to be happy about: new hat, new pants, new skirts, new jacket, new computer, new digital camera, new friends, new movies, and new flowers in the garden. Everything is new! The seasons are changing and now it's time to change my life. I am expecting something that will happen, hope it will be a good thing.
I am sure that God is going to make everything alright. I am sure of it.

Charlie's Chocolate Factory

The weather is perfect. The work is done. I leave work early to catch the movie Charlie's Chocolate Factory, not knowing that I have left something undone yesterday.
This movie is completely different to the last one. It is infinitisimally better. Willy Wonka is weirder (yes, Johnny Depp is really weird, with his difficult of speaking of the word "parents"). There is actually a theme in this film: family. Charlie doesn't want to leave his family to work as the owner of the factory. He inspired Willy Wonka to go back to his roots and see his dentist father. They reconcile and apparently his father is proud of his son, who make the world's most tasty candy and chocolate throughout the years. His tooth are still in perfectly good health without flossing!
The humour in the movie (Willy Wonka travelling the world to find the greatest flavours, but it turned out he was actually in a flag museum/travelling to find Oompa Loompas/the melting chocolate palace in India). Mum said that the most important theme in this movie is about the importance of family. Of being together. No matter what happens, your family will take care of you. No matter how awful the children are, their parents went after them to retrieve them from the horrible places they went to. They took the children back no matter what happened. Charlie wants to stay with his family even though they are poor, and is not selfish. He is willing to share that piece of chocolate with his family. Willy Wonka, inspite of himself, went back to see his father, who forbode him to eat any chocolate when he was young. Not going back to his home means that he is afraid that he will grow old without a heir, with no one to be with him. He will not be able to discover that his father loves him and collects all the newspaper cuttings about his little boy who is a great inventor in food technology, very mad yet has that passion about making other people happy.



It's already Wednesday today! I can't believe it, but it seems there's an endless list of things for me to do. >_<
Some of them are more urgent than the others, so I will have to prioritise as well as carry them out. I believe that I am really grown now. I know what to do.
Saw J online. He is coming back to Hamilton today. He is going to go to Christian camp with some of my friends, that means that we will not be able to meet this week. This doesn't matter. We have been meeting quite regularly anyway.
Meeting on 15 September with university supervisor. This means that I will have to fill in the gaps in the experiment before I see my supervisor. I will also have to enter all the results into the summary file and make sensible graphs! I hope everything by then will have settled down and I am all ready to face him. It's an all out war! Now I better check what's happening in the corridor so I can get pass the people in suits so I can get some experiments done. No matter, I will just walk pass them if they are still blocking the way. Man, I am important, too. It's ALL OUT WAR against time.


Too busy to write blog

Today I am swamped by work. I have been re-writing my introduction, printing out all the graphs as results(!) Ya! I have so many results that I have finally finished tidying up. After talking to my supervisor at work, I have to do it again. I need to give them another overhaul! Ya! I am so happy that the end is in sight even though there's still so much work to be done.
I have to repeat some experiments to fill the the gaps, however, they will definitely be finished this month! I am so happy. I should tell mum and she will write to dad saying that I am getting near the end of my masters now.
Talk to J on MSN but he seems very occupied. He is talking to someone else on net. I should really leave him alone. Hehe, he is so funny sometimes. Salty people...this means free people in Chinese. lol
Anyway, I better go home and have dinner now. So busy! I have to take mum to the supermarket this evening for grocery shopping and filling up the petrol. Tomorrow is another day! Oh, I have to grow some bacteria tomorrow so will be able to run more experiments this week. Chop chop! Quick quick! I hope I am fast enough to catch up.


LOTR: Found again in Taitua Arboretum

When Peter Jackson filmed The Lord of the Rings trilogy, he picked regional parks as filming locations. However, I found a piece of God's own country in New Zealand that is as beautiful as the Lothlorian and the forest in Lord of the Rings. In fact, this woodland park is more attractive than the scenes in LOTR.
We have been waiting for the cherry to start blossom, but we only found a few plum blossoming this time. We will be back next month when dad is back from Taiwan and check the growth of the plant over time. Taitua Arboretum is a city-owned garden with mainly trees and some flowering trees. There is an Asian feeling to it since it has a variety of different bamboo from China and Asia and cherry trees from Japan. However, it has cedar, kauri, maple, and pine trees that are definitely from Europe and North America. We see plenty of native species planted, and the walkway is maintained regularly. The garden is clean and quiet, a nice spot for family to visit in the weekend. The arboretum also has a flock of chicken, goose, ducks, and possibly some hedgehogs as I noticed the hole in the ground. Steers from the paddocks come to visit as well.
I notice a circle of stones in the ground and guess that the local witches meet here when there is an important celebration.
Great place. I love walking there. It is so soothing.
We watched CSI: Miami and NCIS in the evening. Both are desirable before another week of hard work. H is taking care of the young kid who saw his mother being shot. The guy is charged by the prosecution for another murder (his partner on the drive-by boat). NCIS tells a story when a veteran of World War II confessed to the murder of his best friend in the army, where he had to silence him because his legs had been blown off by land mines, therefore making his not a murder but just a man trying to survive.
Helped R from across the Tasman to prepare for a debate for GM on humans. Hope I have helped enough.


Singing with cello

I sing with my cello. I put all my emotion in the instrument. These few days I have been through a lot...I found out that M has a girlfriend, and talked to her before the orchestra. I know that she is a sweet girl, a nice person, a great choice as a girlfriend, and I truly can't hate her. It is great that I still have my cello so I can convey my love through it. I have not lost the ability to love. I care.
I don't feel angry or sad anymore, just that slight regret. I feel happy because I have those memories with M. I have spent those time with him and those were sweet and warm memories that I will treasure forever. I will wait in the dark to see if he ever discover me. I will be strong and brave for my own sake. I will find another person who is as good as him...I hope.
The concert went well, but I think if we were given more time to practice we could do better. There's the concert 16 October to look forward to. I will put all my love and emotion in there. I will channel my feelings into the songs that my cello make. Afterall, without love, I can't make beautiful music.