The rain is still coming down hard today, although it has been raining the whole winter in Hamilton. This is typical Waikato weather. That's right, we are in Hamilton, New Zealand; not Hamilton, Canada, or Hamilton, U.S.A. We are the one and only Hamilton in the South Hemisphere.
Why are people always interested in the weather? And why do people care so much about where the twisters hit? The simplest anwer is because people die and properties are lost. Today's news is ALL about Hurricane Ivan: the monster of the month and the flavour of the News. So what's that got to do with the small town in New Zealand? And what's that got to do with me?
Nothing, you may say. But the weather occupies my life in a frightening way. My dream gets interupted by the sound of news: people fleeing the city of Miami and New Orleans because of a tropical hurricane. My window is filled with cloud, thick with mist, and the wind is still blowing. Why can't the cloud just leave me alone? We are at least four thousand miles away from any big continent apart from Ausralia and still can not get away from the shower and rain. Stop raining for a while, please.
I have to get up at six this morning to go to the lab on the farm. My immediate boss is not there, but I can make a tea, sit down and read the news magazine about the seasonal rainfall in Waikato for the farmers as well.
The boss arrive late this morning probably because of the fog. The co-worker is also late because she caught the alleged "chicken pox" from the bad weather. It's probably from the empty-minded, chicken pox bearing person unknown. I don't blame the person because it has made her day. She can go home early. What a woman! She still has to cook for her in-laws. How would she do that if she has got the chicken pox?
Ha....the radio is on, and for the first time, it's not about the weather. It's Kylie the Australian singer luring men from this side of the pature to the other side. Stop doing that, women. However, we don't lack any competence of keeping our men here, so why should I worry? With this kind of cloud coverage, I think we are safe from her Australian allure. Even the farmers are completing the milking of the cow. Isn't that nice? Everybody is happy that they can have a short break because the weekend is coming up.
I have written down every little detail for my first experiment for the Master thesis. However, my tired supervisor in the office building tells me that the experiment has to run for an hour each. All my thoughts are going out of the window now. Papers on the top of the desk are so white that the sun has finally come out for a peek. Smiling, it seeps through the blinds and falls on my head patting. It's Friday! For the weather's sake, I have decided to leave the office building and go to university to check if my sister is coming home with me or not.
My day is going down from that point, and never comes back up. She is no where to be found in the university. I tried texting her, but she later claims that she was in the gym at that time. The computer room stares back at me as if I am a stranger. I am. My interloan page is scribbled over by pencil, pen, and later discarded because I found the Method in the library catalogue. What a waste of time! What a waste of petrol.
The drive is pleasant enough for I have successfully escape from the big round-about for the Friday traffic. However, there's a crashed red car on the stretch of road close to our house. Mind you, it's Highway no. 3, and people goes too fast when they want to get away from the city. Another weather/road disaster. day is not ending yet. Hope it will not rain tomorrow, otherwise I might go mad because of the mud and the wind. Have mercy on me, weather.