What a weekend! I spent a long time tramping up and down Richard's family farm, following him and Bevan to track down that elusive goat. I was also wondering about reading The Timetraveller's Wife when I wait for the men on their hunt, just like Henry, they were lost in their world and I was there by myselt, negotiating across the stream, down the slope, up the small hill that didn't seen to end any time soon, and wondering where I could sit for a short while to rest.
The view from the top of the farm was stunning. You could see right out to the sea, the oil rig in the background. No cloud in the sky, a light breeze in the air, and green pasture from me to the coast. It was quiet, apart from the occasional bird and airplane flying overhead. It was time to think about nothing at all, to relax, and do some exercise that I couldn't do everyday.
We went to see Stacey and Natalie on Saturday evening. They were both going out. Natalie and Evert were going to see Ironman, which we encouraged them to do because it was a kick ass movie. Stacey and her friend Diana were going to a party together. Dan's broke his collar bone, otherwise he would have come with Bevan and Richard on the hunt.
We managed to kill twenty four goats this time, and injured about ten more. There are still a lot of stray goats out there, eating the grass and wasting valuable resources. One good thing was that we found a young kid and took it home with us on the four wheeler. Hopefully, Stacey will be able to find someone to care for her. Richard wanted to give it to me as a pet, but I don't think I can take care of it.
My boots ended up extrememly dirty after this weekend of chasing goats and climbing up and down the farmland. It was pleasant weather, a bit tiring, but mainly fun.
Still hasn't done engagement present shopping at all. I should try to find something that we will need in the future in Stevens and inform the future mother-in-law.