我的快樂 會回來的


A hint of spring

The rain has finally stopped yesterday. The sun is out today as well. The daffodils are blooming in our house, golden bells hanging in the otherwise blank landscape. I did three loads of laundry today, holding them like a weightlift champion, suddenly feel better altogether. Keeping myself busy, always doing something is better than sitting there and doing nothing.
I have sent out uddles of CVs to potential employers these days. Hopefully I will get set up for another interview. The one with Fonterra went well, but I didn't get the position. Patience is wearing thin and I feel despondent sometimes, then I tell myself a better job is just around the corner! I will get it one day.
Walking around our neighbourhood, just wondering where the police car is going to. Probably back to base.
I will watch a Japanese movie tonight. It's called Ghost Club. Talk about this tomorrow.