MQ came to our house on Sunday afternoon. Mum and dad are moving and probably talking to their friend. Fuzzy, MQ's little sister, MQ and I went to the lake to have ice cream. We sat in front of the goose and ducks at the lakeside. I was daydreaming of sitting with Erik there, and talking to MQ. We had so much fun!
I am turning 25 next week, and still haven't sorted out the second party on 28th of April. I am going to have a get together next Thursday with my workmates at work's pub, and will get together with friends who can't make the Thursday party on Saturday. I will go out for dinner and drinks afterwards. That's settled, and will probably have the drinks at MQ's house. That will have to organised next week.
I hope that Erik will turn up to at least one party, but don't know whether he will or not. My other workmates will certainly be there to celebrate with me, and that's going to be great. I am looking forward to turning 25.
After eating strawberry and boysenberry ice cream at lake, we returned to MQ's house in Hillcrest after picking Gogo up. We played golf and tenpin bowling with MQ's brother and sister. It was so exciting that I forgot my daydream and depressed afternoon. Actually, I wasn't that depressed, just wrote some of my novel. I am making good progress this time, reaching 67 pages so far.
I still can't get Erik out of my head successfully. He was sick on Thursday and Friday, vomitting at home. I went past his place on Friday and his car was not there. I hope he went back up North to his family. They can take care of him. I don't know, maybe he was just out for a short while. Hope he's better so he can work, then it's Anzac day on Wednesday (I am making two cakes and two plates of Chinese food to bring to work on Thursday). I will have a busy party week next week!
Hope my experiment goes well next week.