I love playing soccer. Richard invited me to play soccer with a bunch of boys yesterday and I've tried to strike the goal three times! I've been playing for a few times now, and it's so much fun to run around and kick the ball on the field with such nice weather. Fuzzy came with us this time and she had fun, too. She said she's coming again next week.
This brings me to the subject: is there a Beckam in all of us? Professional football players train hours and hours everyday, they have started young, and they gain experiences playing in football clubs and the good ones eventually play for the regional teams or national teams. Are they still having fun playing soccer, though? Do they remember why they started to play football in the place? Is it all about money and women? That makes me wonder. I think there is a Beckam in all of us and we can all strike a goal if we are confident. To reach Pele's skill, you need to practice and perhaps do a bit of acrobatic training, but we can all dream about becoming Beckam. Why do people find playing sports fun? It's because your brain releases endorphins when you are exercising.
Gogo plays soccer, too. He plays with a club in Hillcrest. They play in a tournament and have a friendly competition to win a cup. It's good to go out there and enjoy yourself when most of the time we coup up working inside. We should be enjoying the sun and sweat a little.
With this, I give you a shot of Beckam. We salute all the football players, young and old, big and small. We may not be famous today, but we are having so much fun that we don't care.