我的快樂 會回來的



It's so cold and windy today. I am not going to wear a skirt tomorrow, and I shouldn't have worn one today!
There are still so much work to do. I am feeling the pressure right now, but as the prince has said: just take it easy and relax! I hope that I will be able to do that. It's just impossible because I feel that this is not going to last very long. I am going to seriously consider my options now.
I have completed what I have to do in the afternoon, but as my boss has given me something to do tomorrow, I had to ask Prince to come and help me move some heavy stuff. He was glad to get away from the computer. It must had been very boring to write his report whole day. I am sure that he will finish the report soon. There's only so much you can do. He's still sick, and I gave him some advice about what to eat. He might have ignored me completely, but we managed to get all the heavy things moved into the lab. I also asked him to start an experiment for me since he's so free. By the time I left, he was staring into space at his desk. It was kind of funny seeing him doing that. I wonder what he was thinking.
The topic during tea break in the afternoon was about cars. I guess everyone who has a car in New Zealand must get it to pass Warrant of Fitness, and no matter how new your car is, it will have some faults. There was belt trouble, rust, tyre indentation problem, brake pipe holes, and whole lot of other problems with our cars. How can you deal with them all? The garage charges you because you have failed the WOF, and I guess that's how they make money.
I truly hope that everything will get better in the future because it is not looking very bright at the moment. Maybe I will be fortunate enough to finally become a real princess and not have to work. No, let me rephrase that, I hope that I will be fortunate enough to have a stable job that pays well so I can work on becoming a nice lady. The princess part is a given, because all girls were born princesses!

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