我的快樂 會回來的


Lunch with sister Fuzzyslowmo

It was still dark when I got up this morning, although not as cold as yesterday, the chill in the air still made me shiver. Winter will not let up just yet. It rained last night, and when I left home, it started raining again. We were running late this morning, Fuzzy had to get to her university lecture at eight o'clock. I don't understand why lecturer will ask students to go to a lecture so early, and many students come in late anyway. The reason may be that there's no other time slots and no lecture theatre available at other times. It just shows how some people are not very organised.
There was not enough bacteria for me to start my experiment. The whole experiment was delayed, and I will have to go home later today. I am running two experiments at the same time today, and the second one was not very difficult. I helped Ai in the afternoon.
As usual, I couldn't find a parking space in university car park. I saw Naina's sister walking with her friend in the car park. I met Fuzzy, Ruth, and Ceilia for lunch in university. There were so many students in Bongo. I asked how Ruth's Special Topic is going. Special Topic involves experimental work and research done by students. Her supervisor is quite busy so she can't discuss her progress with him just yet. Hopefully, he will be available to supervise the students. However, Special Topics is a project that gives students the chance to do experiments and research independently, there's a lot of work involved. My friends did Special Topics before going on to do Masters after graduation. It is practice for postgraduate research.
Erik asked me about the results in the afternoon. I had compiled a list of results for my boss, so I past this information onto him. He left early to go to university to talk to his university supervisor. His report is due on Friday, and he's writing discussion at the moment. Good luck, Erik! He's been coughing a lot, not healthy at all. Erin is also ill. This cold is getting to many people in the lab, and with stress from work, it's not easy to recover from.
I have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables, hopefully this will protect me from getting sick. I wasn't feeling so flash last Thursday. I am glad that I feel fine now. Just hope that spring will come faster and we can get rid of this disgusting weather once and for all.

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