我的快樂 會回來的


Catch you later, Linda

I am still running two experiments at a time today, however, become quite bored in the afternoon because I can't stare at my experimental apparatus anymore. It's just too monotonous. The important experiment went smoothly, and I am sure that the yield will be high this time. All is well at the work front, and I love to hear Erik say: "Catch you later, Linda." at the end of the day. Just make me really happy and relaxed.
It's not so cold today, but it rained for a short while, stopped then started raining again. It's amazing how fast the cloud moves in the sky. One minute you are walking in the sunshine, the next you are drenching with the down pour. At least, we are lucky enough not to be flooded like the Britons and Northlanders. I should count my blessings.
It's mum's birthday tomorrow so I went shopping in Chartwell Square. I found a parking space. Stevens is on sale right now, selling beautiful cups and dishes, but I don't need cups and dishes. Sussan is on sale as well, and I picked a thick wool blanket for mum, a PJ and nice top for myself. One of my PJ is too big, the other one is stretching after going through too many washes. I love shopping in Sussan. You can get comfortable clothing there.
Erik told Murray that he's not going to the Cocktail evening because it's just not his thing. However, he is interested in going to the Winter Gathering. That's still in the preparation stage and nothing is certain. I think I may have my housewarming party organised before that, but nothing is concrete for that, either. Mum had just refused to let me have the housewarming party this Friday. She said that we may have one around August, though. I am hoping that it will happen.
I went to take broths to autoclave this afternoon because they weren't picked up in the morning. Said hi to Sonja on the way, she got married to Grant and changed her name.
It's time for me to drive home. I am going to enjoy my evening. Today is a relaxing day.

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