The New Zealand Idols have just be voted tonight. Rosita is the newest, hottest, most talented idol this year. I really like her voice and she deserve to win.
This morning starts with car trouble so I can't drive to work in my trusted grey little Toyota Corona. No matter. Dad takes me to work without too much trouble but that means that I can't go to the farm to start my experiment. I will start it tomorrow. I have re-written some parts of the introduction and I will try to finish it before the end of October. There will be some addition, but I don't think the introduction need that much more work. I just have to finish it and hand it in to my boss to edit. I am sure she will feel obliged to change it again. Like what my friend said, it has to be written, re-written, edited, changed, cut down and boiled up at least five times before the final draft come out.
The concert went well, with the drama of my string slipping out of tune in the second last song near the end, I was so nervous! I couldn't play some notes, but managed to play most of the them at the right time. Just hope that no one noticed that my strings were out of tune... I am sure a trained musician will notice, but I can't really stop it from slipping away.
The first part of the performance was great. I had no trouble at all playing all the songs. Bede Williams was so dramatic when he performed Resident Villain. I love it!
Then it was our turn again. I think we did well. Saw Claire De Lune at the end of the performance. He is very happy and still trying very hard to study in university. I said thank you to Dr. and her bf. Apollo was there. He waved to me. White Angel and her mum were also there. Thank you all for coming. And how can I forget about the Ultimate Family? They were there to cheer me up. I have so many fans! Haha. Thank you very much for listening to me and you guys give me strength to play on, play hard, and I just love playing music on the stage.
I hope Dark Angel was there to listen to me, but he was too busy, he couldn't even concentrate when I had a conversation with him on the net. Oh, well. I am sure he will recover from Mars and come back after all his assessments are done. Dot the last i and cross the last t on his paper, and he is all free. I will then ask him if he wants to watch A World Without Thieves and listen to NZSO orchestra with me. Somehow I think he will say yes to the orchestra, and maybe say no to the movie, but I don't care. As long as he says yes to one is good enough for me.
I have to live this life without thinking too much about anyone else right now. Just focus on me. I have to work harder.
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